02.Dodge ball

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Taesan wakes up the next morning, fully fresh and energized. It was the day to play dodge ball. The best part of the day is that there are no afternoon classes, so he wasn't gonna get kicked out for being talkative, nor he was gonna doze off after lunch. He does his regular morning routine, eats breakfast and quickly rushes outside. He runs towards Leehan, who was on his earphones. Taesan grins, and proceeds to walk next to the clueless Leehan, and then soon Taesan takes one side of Leehan's earphone and puts it in his ear.

"wh-what are you doing??"

"Ohh I wanted to listen to music with you? on my way to school, that's what I'm doing."

"I-you didn't even ask for my permissio-"

"Ohh you're listening to Baby?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping I would be able to relate to the lyrics someday."

"You're already relating to the lyrics duhh"

"With who?"

"With the one and only, Taesan walking next to you."

"You're not funny Tae" Leehan says while lightly slapping Taesan on the shoulder.

They soon arrive to school and takes their morning classes. Taesan energetically takes the classes, while Leehan on the other hand, was distracted..looking at Taesan in admiration. Soon after the morning classes, Taesan notices Leehan looking at him.

"Hello? Leehan? Are you there?" He says while waving slowly at Leehan.

"Ohh umm sorry, I just got a bit distracted."

"Distracted by what? My charming looks?"

"Never freaking mind, let's go eat lunch." Leehan simply said, while grabbing Taesan's hand and they both head to the canteen.

After lunchtime, along with a 30 minutes break to lighten the students stomach, it was finally time to play Dodge ball. Taesan and Leehan were in the same team. And soon, they enter the basketball court to play dodge ball.
"Tae watch out! You almost got hit."
"I know how to play, you take care hannie."
Leehan was distracted by the way that Taesan was being flirty and caring towards him. He was so lost in his thoughts that the ball was about to hit him in the face. He closes his eyes and embraces himself for the impact. While all of a sudden,he felt someone back hugging him and blocking the ball, as they fell down to the ground. Leehan opens his eyes to see that it was Taesan, the one that blocked the ball and saved a bruise from getting onto his face. They were on the ground, Taesan on Leehan holding his head and waist. Their faces merely inches away. Leehan's face starts turning red from the moment. They were surrounded by the other players, and all eyes were on them. While all of a sudden, their PE teacher asked "Leehan and Taesan, are you guys okay? Are you hurt?". Taesan broke out of his thoughts and replied "Y-yeah, we are."

As the day comes to an end, the two "friends" returned home and are all feeling mixed about the scenario that occurred while playing dodge ball. Taesan was very happy to have done that to his crush. While Leehan on the other hand was filled with various emotions, happy, sad, excited, anxious, crazy, you name it all. At one point, Leehan would start to deny that he had feelings for Taesan. No way on freaking earth that he was in love with his best friend of 14 years. Or so he thought..

[A/N] Sooooooo yea this is the second chapter :D  I wrote this on the day before my school exam as I should. I'm sorry for the song choice, I'm making the first half of this book about their high school flashbacks. so far so good, I decided to add flirting scenes and references from k-dramas cuz why not :> I will try to update as much as I can!!Anyways, thank you all so so sooo much for reading my fancic, lemme know your comments on this chapter <333

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