06.The confession

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The day goes per usual for Taesan and Leehan. Taesan want to confess that he loves Leehan and sees him as someone more than a friend. Their graduation was also coming up, Taesan thought that he could seize a good opportunity to confess. At the same time he is also scared that Leehan would reject and unfriend him. He listened to his guts and decided to confess him the evening of their graduation.

Time skip[May 7th of 2015, Graduation day]

The day is finally here, Taesan's gonna finally confess to Leehan. His heart is beating so fast, his mind is getting foggy, he's sweating. "It's okay Tae, you can do this." he told to himself. Leehan also arranged a post graduation party at a local korean restaurant, for him and 5 of his other friends. Leehan, Jaehyun, Riwoo, Sungho and Woonhak were waiting at the roof top of the school. They wanted to take a group picture for their last day of school. Taesan's mom and dad left him to stay with his aunt, as they had to temporarily move to the US for business reasons. Taesan was packing all his stuff and putting it in a van, which is going to his aunt's house. His parents bought him a digital camera as a graduation gift. He thought of taking pictures with Leehan with the camera, and decided to bring it with him to the rooftop of the school. He then remembers about their appointment, and leaves for the school rooftop.

Leehan's friends were wondering what's taking Taesan so long, normally he would show up on time. They were about to leave when suddenly, Taesan reaches to the school rooftop, panting as he was out of breath from running from his home to the school rooftop. 

"Hey, what took you long Tae..I thought you weren't coming." Leehan said.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time." 

"It's fine Tae, do you want to take a picture?"

"Sure, my parents bought me a digital camera as a graduation gift."

"Ohh, okay does it have a hands free feature?"

"I think so, we need that for our group picture right?"


"Ohh I found the hands free button, we can take a group picture."

"Guys, okay 1, 2, 3"

*camera clicks*

*camera clicks*

The group photo came out looking pretty good, Taesan was about to confess when suddenly,

"Hey Tae, do you want to take a graduation photo, with you and I together?"

"um I- sure.."

"You hold this bouquet, I will hold the teddy bear. Woonhak-ah, can you take a picture of us?"

"Alright hyung."

*camera clicks*

*camera clicks*

"It looks nice, thanks Woonhak."

"No need lah Taesan Hyung"


"Yeah Tae?"

"I have to tell you something"

"Yeah what's it?"

"It's only for you to hear Leehan."

"You guys can go ahead, I will follow up right after." Leehan told his friends, and they soon left the rooftop.

"Sooo, what's it Tae?"


"Are you okay Tae?"

"I'm T2, that sent you the love letter. And I like you Leehan."

"I like you too Tae."

"No, what I meant by the way I like you is this.."

Taesan leans in and kisses Leehan on the lips. Leehan's eyes were wide open, shocked that his friend was in love with him. Leehan pushes back Taesan, and silence fills in the atmosphere.

"I'm sorry Leehan, but I have to go." Taesan said and ran from the rooftop with his digital camera and phone in his hand. Leehan touched his lips in confusion and shouted "Wait Tae!!", while running after Taesan. 

Taesan ran into the storage room, where he usually hides at. He hears Leehan shouting his name outside, but Taesan was too ashamed and embarrassed to go back and talk to Leehan. Taesan leaves his digital camera and backpack in the storage room, and leaves the school premises, never to be seen again.


Alr, this chapter was very disconnected for some reason, I apologize for that. I'm sorry for unpublishing this as well, I just thought that it needed more changes and improvement to it. Pls let me know what u guys think of this chapter ^^

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