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The week went by as normal, nothing happened in school or the neighborhood. It was just a regular week of Taesan flirting with Leehan and studying and all the things you expect a teenager to do. On Saturday however, Taesan wanted to hangout with Leehan at a park nearby. It was Saturday, so he didn't have anything to do. He is completely free.



Heyyyy Leehannie :D

sent 10:30am

Leehan didn't respond one bit, Taesan was getting worried at one point. "is he busy, did something happened to him? was he still sleeping?" questions started piling up in Taesan's head. He thought of going to Leehan's house, just next to his. He didn't think twice before putting on his sneakers and rushing to Leehan's house.

Once he arrives there, he knocks on the door. A woman opens the door and examines the boy carefully, before saying "OHHHH TAESAN!! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME, COME IN!". Taesan enters the house and browses for Leehan. He asked Leehan's mom "Aunt, do you know where Leehan is?"

"Ohh, he is sick, yeah."

"Wait sick?!!? Can you tell me where his room is, I wanna check up on him.."

"Ahh okay dear, so it's upstairs. Walk until you see a red door. That is his room."

"Okayyyy thank you auntie!!" Taesan said, and rushes immediately to Leehan's room. He went upstairs upon Leehan's mom instructions. And at the end of the hallway, he saw a red door. He knocks on it, no response. He still knocks on it, still no response. He knocks on it one last time, before hearing "Come in!".

He enters the room and sees Leehan, lying on the bed, looking tired.

"Tae, what are you doing here?"

"You weren't replying to my text so I got worried and came here.." Taesan said with a pout on his face.

"My phone died and I still haven't charged it yet. Anyways, I took a bath at like 11pm last night, and the power went out when I was about to dry my hair. So well, I did use a towel but I didn't dry it all the way soooooo I got sick.."

"hmm..then don't take a bath so late at night ever again! I'm so mad at you.."

"Okay sure, I won't..I'm hungry.."

"hmm, do you want me to get something?"

"nahh, it's okay, my mom said she's cooking crab soup today."

"okay, do you want me to feed it to you like you are a baby?"

"What the fuck Tae no, my bones work well okay, I'm just sick it's not like I fractured my wrist or something."

"haha..okay, suit yourself."

As they talked Leehan fell asleep once again. Taesan looks at Leehan admiringly. "Gosh why is he so adorable sleeping like that, I wanna squish those cheeks so bad." He started thinking. All of a sudden, Leehan's mom enters the room with a bowl of crab soup.
"Taesan dear, Leehan said his muscles are sore, do you mind feeding him the soup?"
"Sure aunty, why not?" Taesan replied with a grin on his face.

Taesan woke Leehan up from his sleep, and starts feeding the crab soup. He doesn't say anything as his muscles were sore and he can barely move. Taesan was feeling so happy for being able to feed his crush.

[A/N] : Soooooo this is more of a filler chapter ig? I couldn't really think of an idea, my brain wasn't braining while writing this. Well anyways I promise to improve my writing upon your suggestions. Please let me know what you think of this chapter <3333

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