10.An emotional roller coaster

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Back at their office after lunch, they held a meeting for Taesan to present his idea for the project.

"Hi guys, I'm Han Taesan. I will be presenting my ideas for the project."

The presentation went on and the first slide was about the demo sketches of the characters he came up with. And the first character sketched was none other than Leehan. The other characters were basically Pinterest models that he took reference from. The rest was his idea of making SNS accounts for the character, which will be of course run by the project members. He thought that in the first few stages of the game Y/N has a crush on the selected character, regardless of gender. And when you have a crush or you are in love with someone, it peaks your curiosity and makes them want to check their SNS accounts. That way, you can keep updated to what they are doing, who are they in love with, if they are single or not. Pretty much, the team supports his idea. However, the boss wanted him to draw the background of the environments from scratch, so he asked his boss if he could go outside in order to complete the task. Which his boss agreed. His boss asked Leehan to accompany Taesan, to which Taesan freaked out at first but accepted the fact that he just have to face things.

[Time skip, in the car]

"Leehan, where are we going?"

"Back to the school we used to attend."

"why tho, out of all the places?"

"Cuz, I want to feel and enjoy the past memories we shared Tae."

"uh okay."

Later, they arrive to the school they used to attend as kids. Taesan goes to the football arena, and sits on one of the empty seats, Leehan follows behind. 

"Remember, the time when we were playing dodge ball and you saved me from getting hit in the face?"

"Why do you care about that?"

"You saved me from getting a bruise on the face, and most importantly, it was the last time we physically touched each other."

Taesan pretends he didn't hear that, and continues to draw the scene of the football arena. 

"Speaking of physical touch, remember after you confessed that you love me, you ran away?well I went into the storage room and found your bag and digital camera. We look cute in this picture."

"Give it back Leehan."

"I said give it back, why do you keep bullying me? What did I ever do wrong to deserve this."

"Me? bullying you? Tae, you're the one who bullied me."

"Wait, why? I didn't even bully you."

Leehan laughs in pain for awhile, and replies

"You told me that you love me, ran away and didn't even wait for my response. Left me all alone dumbfounded."

"You're so confusing Leehan." Taesan says as he walks away.

"See, you're doing this again. Why can't you just under stand me Tae?"

Taesan says nothing and keeps on walking, he doesn't notice a football coming flying in the air, about to hit him. Until he felt someone's presence in front of him, covering the football and saving him. He opens his eyes to see it was none other than Leehan.

"Tae, please listen to what I have to say for the last time."


"I like you, as someone more than a friend."

"I still don't trust you. Let's go back before it gets too dark."


Something is happening y'all. Leehan is being all serious but Taesan still won't buy it? hMM, what else can convince him that Leehan loves him dearly.

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