Question 1

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This first question came from my irl daughter who likes the CH Japan so I made her that character for this discussion.

Japan: mom...

Mama Soviet: yes?

Japan: did you ever join a talent show?

Mama Soviet: no, I wanted to. But my social anxiety made it impossible for me.

Japan: really? You got nervous?

Mama Soviet: yup, even though I was in choir for like 2yrs . I just cant stand in front of others very well.

Japan: did dad join one?

Mama Soviet: from what I was told daddy performed a song from the movie Grease.

Japan: :D really!?

Mama Soviet: Yup, you take after him my lil one.

Japan: - smiles proudly-

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now