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Papa Reich: mama...mama come out liebe...

Mama Soviet: het...I'm tired of my ideas being taken cause people can think of their own.

Papa Reich: honey...

Mama Soviet: those muses are our creations. I don't care for the credit or the money. I work hard to make them the way we want them...

Papa Reich: I know meine liebe but you inspired someone else based off our creations. Ain't that a good thing?

Mama Soviet: i don't know...-crumbled up her drawing-

Papa Reich: hun people creations out of others all the time. This is a huge compliment. Someone liked what we made and wanted to make their own...

Mama Soviet: it's copying...

Papa Reich: is it though dear? Think about it logically.

Mama Soviet: I guess...

Papa Reich: did we not choose these characters that were inspired by world history and family background?

Mama Soviet: I mean... -looks away sighing-

Papa Reich: this is your small portion of happiness. Take it my love.

Mama Soviet: suppose I think of it in more of a positive lighting.

Papa Reich: you are a creative woman dear and to're the perfect wife. -nuzzles his russian woman with a purr-

A day in the life of Mama Soviet & Papa ReichWhere stories live. Discover now