Vol-1 Ch-4 The Stalker

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After the introductions came to end. 70-80 percent of the students headed toward the dormitories. The remaining students quickly formed into groups. Some made their way to cafés, while the louder ones went out for karaoke.

It seems I was the only one going to the entrance ceremony.

As I entered the auditorium, where the ceremony was taking place. I saw the other classes of our year for the first time. Although there was something interesting that I noticed. All students from Class A were present and were standing in discipline, same goes for Class B, although some of them were talking. Few students from Class C were absent but the rest were talking as well and from Class D, I am the only one till now, as the girl named Matsushita also joined me.

As Chairman Sakayanagi was giving his speech, he looked at me.

Was it because no student from Class D came or specifically because of me. I don't know.

After him a tall, well-built boy with short black hair with square-rimmed glasses took the stage.

"Welcome to the new first years, I am Horikita Manabu, Student council President.
As we begin this new school year, let us remember the opportunities that lie before us. Every challenge we face and every obstacle we overcome are stepping stones toward our dreams. Let us embrace each lesson, each experience, and each friendship as a chance to grow and evolve. Thank you, and let's make this school year truly remarkable!"

A short but formal speech, during his speech I was observing the students of other classes and comparing them with ours. Confirming my theories about something.

As the ceremony ended, I approached Matsushita.

"Are you stalking me?"

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"Are you stalking me?"


"During class introduction, you were staring at me, not like the other stares. Then you said the exact lines as me and now when the whole class is absent, you're the only one here."

"Well, I was interested in the ceremony."

I gave her a suspicious look.

"So, I was going to the convenience store, do you want to accompany me?"

She was surprised by this, but started to walk with me to the store without giving an answer.

On entering the store, we started to collect the things we need in a basket. It was clearly an advanced store, in the place of cashier. There was a monitor placed where you could scan the bar code of the product, and it will enter the items in to the system, creating the invoice and paying by scanning the QR code or swiping your card in the machine .
Although there were some helpers present for the people in need of help.

Starting a life in a dorm, you need a lot of things for basic needs, picking up soap, toothbrush, shampoo etc.

Even though we weren't talking, it didn't feel uncomfortable shopping with Matsushita.

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