SS-The Anomaly

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Matsushita Chiaki POV-

An anomaly, that's what he is. He is extraordinary, that's what he is. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, that's what he is. I don't think there are any words to describe him.

Since, I was little. I was loved by my parents. I had a happy life. I would do well in academics and sports and my parents would spoil me with gifts. I didn't had many friends, due to my talents. People would think of me as someone too good to even talk. I was special amongst averages.

But my parents were my everything and I was there pride, there princess. So when they enrolled me in the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool. I was a little sad. Staying away from them for three years, without any contact.

So, I decided to pretend to be an average student. In that way, I will at least gain some friends and will not have to live alone for next three years.

But that plan went to dumpster, when I saw him. He was special. For the first time in my life, I had met someone as talented as me. No, more talented. I was baffled by his observation skills. When he figured out the school system in a day. It was like Christmas came early for me.

I had found someone, who could outmatch me in every field. For the first, I didn't feel alone.

As days passed by, our friendship grew. I still smile thinking about the first time when he came to my room, to learn about cooking. Seeing how clueless he was, I had genuine fun with someone of my age for the first time.

First day of training -

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you know anything about cooking? You cannot add that much salt to the food."

"But, the tutorials said to add salt according to one's taste." he said innocently.

"It doesn't mean you should empty the whole salt into the soup."

"I was experimenting, how it would taste if I add a lot of salt and sugar. Would it be too salty or too sweet."

I sighed. "You're hopeless. Now don't waste my resources. Follow what I do."

Ninth day of training -

I was bathing when I smelled burning smoke.

I instantly wrapped a towel around me and ran to the kitchen.

"Kiyotaka, why is my kitchen on fire?"

"I was wondering if I burn this steak until it becomes ash, will it's taste differ from the ashes of potatoes?"

"Kiyotaka, this is my kitchen. Not your chemistry lab. I swear if you try to experiment one more time, I will not give you any dinner."

He nodded instantly and then left the kitchen like a child scolded by his parents. I felt bad so I decided to made a special dinner for him.

"Uh, would you be mad if I said that you are naked."

Surprised I look down and saw that my towel had fallen open while running towards the kitchen.

"E-ep. Look away right now." I shouted at him.

"And you are mad."

These type of chaos were some common occurrence in our friendship. He would come to my room at 8 pm and we would cook together. Then we would watch some movies while having dinner. He would leave before 11 pm.

Although, if I had to choose the moment I fell for him. Then I would say second week of the school. It 14th April, my mother's birthday. It was the first time I couldn't be with her on her birthday. I was having a bad day. It was raining outside and my mood was down.

The door bell rang. I lifted myself from the bed and opened the door. It was my 'apparent' childhood friend.

"Hey, Kiyotaka. I am really not in the mood to cook today. Can you buy your dinner from the cafeteria today."

"You are not in the mood for cooking, but are you in the mood for eating the Kiyotaka special meal." he said cheerfully and showed me the package he was carrying.

"You cooked all by yourself?" I asked, my jaw dropped.

"Okay, there is no need to be surprised. I learned from you."

"Judging by my past experiences, I am dreading to eat your food."

"Now you are being ungrateful. I saw that you were in a bad mood today, so as your childhood friend. I cooked special dinner for you and that's how you repay."

"I am grateful, but you and I both know, you are being dramatic."

He entered the kitchen and took out cutlery set and made the table for dinner.

As I sat on my seat, he opened the boxes and I was hit with a mouthwatering smell. I couldn't believe my eyes.

Temaki-zushi, Miso-soup, Rice, Tempura and finally The Castella cake. It was like a feast for special occasions. I was speechless for quite a while.

"You know, you can't eat the food just by looking at it." he broke the silence.

"Did you buy this from a restaurant or you actually cooked? I don't think any beginner can make such cuisine."

"It is what it is, I tend to learn things quickly. After getting the basics of cooking, it is easy to make any dish with the help of the internet."

"But why did you make all of this?"

"It's your mother's birthday, isn't it?"

"I never mentioned anything about it in our conversations."

"You see, my algorithm actually reveals a lot of personal information. Before you lecture I know it is very wrong. But I used it for good."

"This one time, just don't go creeping into my personal information."

"Oh, I forgot to mention that you can send a gift to your mother. Just tell what you want to send and it will be delivered."

"But isn't outside contact forbidden?"

"It is for others. I am the owner of the biggest store in the school. With one message, I can buy a whole house outside the school."

"Thanks for doing so much for me. I am really grateful." I never thought that a guy I met less than a month ago would go to such lengths for me.

The evening was well spent, later he revealed that he also bought some alcohol from his sources. We never noticed when we were drunk. The next thing we knew was that waking up in the morning. He was sleeping on the bed beside me, fortunately or unfortunately fully clothed and I had the worst headache of my entire life.

Since then we never spoke about that incident.

I just hope that in future, I get to experience more of these.


Hence ends the two SS,

Please let me know how you find both of them. I tried to give some backstory to both of the girls.

Next chapter will be the beginning of volume 2.

If you feel like Ayanokoji was out of character in these short stories, then good. You are also being manipulated.

Anyways that's all for now.

Have a wonderful day

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