Vol-1 Ch-4.5 The Dorms

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It was around 1 pm when Matsushita and I made our way back to the dormitory. It was 16 floors tall building, with a biophilic design. At the reception desk, I received a key card for Room 401. Looking around it seems like we were in a five star hotel rather than dorms.

We were also given a handbook containing information about the dorm's rules, while we were waiting for the elevator. I quickly flipped through the handbook, which only detailed the most basic things that we needed for our daily routines. The dates and times for garbage disposal were listed, as well as a notice about avoiding excessive noise. I also saw notes about not wasting water or electricity, and so on.

"So, they don't place restrictions on electricity or gas usage?"

I'd assumed that the school would deduct the cost from our points. This school really went to great lengths to have a perfect system for its students. However, I was a little surprised that they'd implemented co-ed dormitories. After all, this was a high school, so the rules stated that unsuitable romantic relationships were frowned upon. In short, sex was strictly forbidden...obviously. I mean, a member of the clergy wouldn't say that engaging inillicit sexual activity was okay. Although the floors were divided, first 8 floors were for the boys and top 8 were for the girls. It's a shame as the top floors would have a better view. There were many more rules like you can't go to girls floor after 8 pm and you can't leave the dorms after 11 pm.

"What's your room number?" I asked Matsushita.

"1301, your? "

"401, we both got 01's, coincidences can be freaky. "

As the elevator arrived I pushed the button for 4th floor and she did the same for 13th.

"Hey, after checking out the room will you meet me in the lobby at 6?"

"Why? " I asked.

"Well, gas is free so clearly cooking is the best option to save some points and for that we will need utensils. So I was thinking that we could go to the mall and buy the required stuff." she explained.

"But, I don't know how to cook." I said.

"Don't worry, I will teach in exchange for points." she said mischievously.

"OK, how many points are we talking about? "

"Huh, I didn't think you would actually agree to it. "

"Why not it will be a long term investment. I would be saving points for three years, so it doesn't matter if I spend some now. Anyway, I will be there at 6 sharp." I said exiting the elevator as my floor had arrived.

I entered my room, for the next three years. The first thing I saw was a manual about smart apartment. It explained how I could control the lights and temperature through voice command or a Mobile App. Safe locking system which would notify me about every entry exit from my dorm room.

All in all, it was a cozy looking place, with a single bed, cupboard, study table, separate area for kitchen which was empty, balcony with a beautiful scenery and bathroom with a bathtub.

After a hectic day, I tried to take a nap till 5 pm.


A short chapter but finally we have reached the dorms.

Next chapter will be exploring more ANHS.

I want to finish this arc fast so that we reach the good stuff, but good things come to those who wait.

The more I am writing this story, the more I am inclining towards Chiaki as a pairing atleast for the first half of the year, but let's see what happens.

We finally reached 1 k on the story, just in 2 days which is crazy.

Thank you guys for your support, it means a lot hopefully I won't dissapoint you.

Till then, Have a wonderful day.

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