SS- The Frenemy

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Kushida Kikyou POV

Have you ever felt that you are better than everybody else. I did, till I didn't. It was an addictive feeling. The ecstasy it provided me was unmatched.

I am Kushida Kiyou. I hope you are having a good day.

Oh, who am I fooling. If you are having a bad day then you are getting what you fucking deserve.

I am tired by this angel act. Pretending to be good and helping others all the time. It's a fucking chore.

In my last school, I messed up. My true personality was revealed. The very people who adored me, turned on me. So I returned them the favour.

I never regret what I did. I never felt sorry for them. That weakling who committed suicide just because I revealed how big of a pussy he was. Pathetic.

Therefore, I decided to start again. I wanted to feel that affection, everybody's praise. All of it again.

So, I enrolled in the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool. I thought it would be easy. Graduating from this school. Getting a guaranteed job, marrying a rich guy. My life would be the best.

Enter Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

When I first saw him on the bus. He wasn't any different from others. Yes, he did offer his seat to the old lady. But I passed it as simple courtesy. Then I find out that he was in my class.

But still I never saw him as someone special. Yes, he was smart and knew how to make friends. But my focus was on one black haired bitch.

When he used to hangout with us, all the girls used to die on him. It was really annoying. They paid him more attention than me.

Then he dropped the bomb. Finding out that this school was not what it seems, I felt betrayed. But still if I maintained my act, all would be great.

But that little shit. He assigned me the worst students in my study group. I admit, I often use my body as a weapon to lure in some boys to do what I want. But those perverts, always staring at my boobs and butt.

Every time, I would feel like killing them slowly. My stress level increased, I became careless. That's when he struck.

He called me to an isolated place, set up a whole act, just to rile me up. For the first time in my life, I experienced how it feels to played with emotionally. He pretended he would commit suicide. Just like that pussycat in my old school.

Then he blackmailed me with my only weakness. But one thing he promised was he would protect me. He would encourage me.

I always thought if someone knew the real me, they would hate me. But here was a guy who called me his queen, knowing who I am.

Maybe, I finally found someone who I could talk to without being fake. After all, he was the same as me. He was also putting up an act of being a good guy.

As days passed by and I saw how he thinks and acts. I was convinced that this guy was a real piece of shit, just like me and I loved him for it.

I think he might have the power to predict the future, because everything he said would come true. If you see one of his machinations. You would feel like you are in a movie. Where he is the director, writer and main character at the same time.

Everybody, unknowingly do what he wants, they say what he wants and they act like he wants.

I was convinced that only a fool would want to be his opponent. That is why, I decided that I would do whatever he wants me to. I would be his most important piece, his queen. That's the only way for a happy ending. Who knows, I might even gain my first real friend or something more.

We would rule this school together as the King and Queen.

"Kushida, what are you thinking? You have that evil grin on your face." the devil I was just thinking about said to me.

"What are you doing? Why are you asleep on my lap?"

I didn't even notice him do that. We were sitting at our usual spot behind the third year dorms building.

"I was tired by today's hard work and these thighs looked really inviting." he said.

"What! Do you know how wrong that sounds? You shouldn't say that to any girl."

"You aren't any girl, you are my queen and I deserve to take a nap in my queen's lap."

Was my face heating up? This idiot doesn't even know what he is saying. I guess I can let him rest, he did do some hardwork. Totally not because I want him to sleep on me.

"Do I not deserve anything, I too did hardwork. Do you think it is easy dealing with those motherfuckers." I complained.

"You want to take a nap in my lap?"

"No!.... Okay but not because I want to, just because you told me to."

He lifted his head from my lap and sat straight. I was a little saddened by it but then I put my head in his lap. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head. It patted me!

"Kiyotaka, what the fuck are you doing?" Don't blush, don't blush. Damn it.

"I read that headpatting is a way of rewarding someone for their good work. Am I wrong?"

"Yes, No. Whatever, just continue doing it."

"My little devil is in a bad mood, something those clowns did. Should I go and beat them up for you? "

I never felt such warmth in my life, what is happening to me.

Yeah, I had a rough childhood. My parents never loved me, they never showed affection towards me. But it doesn't mean, I will spread my legs to the first guy who appreciates the real me.

Ugh, sometimes I do hate myself. I hate even the kindest of human beings but I feel affection towards a guy who uses me like his puppet.

Maybe one day, he will feel the same for me. Who am I kidding, this dumbo doesn't even feel anything for me. Our relationship is transactional not emotional.

Isn't it pathetic, one more person in my life. Who only wants me because I am useful. Will there ever be someone who would truly love me?


I made her backstory a little more emotional. Although it just basic unappreciating parent stuff but we never know why she is, the way she is.

How did you like the fluff, even though she is not the pairing. I decided to give the Kushida fans some treat.

It will be the same with all the other girls who are not selected to be the pairing. Nobody will go empty. I think Cote is a world where all the female character have potential. I would be a fool to not give them chance.

Next will be Matsushita SS. It would be about Kiyotaka learning how to cook.

Important notice the poll for secondary pairing will end tomorrow. Currently it's a close match between Asahina and Arisu. So don't forget to vote. After that I will not change the pairing.

Anyways that's all for now

Have a wonderful day.

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