Vol-3 Ch-4 The Fellowship

745 34 29

Third Person POV-

"This is the perfect place. Let's settle down here." said the student who was leading the group.

A large group of students, carrying various things came to a stop in a clearing.

"Okay. The water is beautiful, and there's shade that blocks the sunlight. The terrain is level. This might be the ideal place for our base camphere. Amazing, Ike-kun!" the guy named Hirata said.

"Heh heh heh, I know, right?"

The river was about ten meters wide, and the water flowed gently. Deep forests and sandy roads surrounded the river.

"So how do we show that this is ours now?"

The river was pretty wide, and flowed downstream for quite a ways. At first glance, the flat piece of land was surrounded on all sides by the trees.

"A river, a river! What an incredible feeling! And here look! There is some kind of mechanism installed around here! It could be the gadget to get right of possession, or whatever!" cried one of the group member.

The said equipment was installed on an unnaturally placed boulder.

Hirata and his team started setting up the tents and other necessities for camp near the river.

"Oh wow, it's like Ayanokouji-kun predicted that we will find this spot. He is really amazing isn't it?"

The girls started talking amongst themselves about the greatness of a man called Ayanokouji-kun.

"Oh yeah. It's good to just leave everything to Ayanokouji-kun, right?"

But there discussion was abruptly halted due to the argument between Hirata and a guy named Yukimura.

"That's why I'm saying we should just use the toilet that they gave us."

Yukimura glared at the Hirata.

"I've thought it over, and I believe we should install one toilet first," Hirata said forcefully.

"You don't just get to decide. Ayanokouji has the final say in this matter."

"Installing a toilet might be a necessary expense. To begin with, we have one simple toilet that our class, which has forty students, isn't used to. I have to wonder if we can really take turns effectively without any trouble?"

"That's... If we use it well..."

"It's unrealistic. We have to consider the worst-case scenario. If everyone took three minutes to use the restroom, then it would take an hour and a half or more for everyone to go. Can that possibly work?"

"That's pointless. Not everyone would need to use the toilet at the same time. The school provided us with just one toilet because it was realistic. We should be able to effectively take turns, right?"

"I don't think so. From the beginning, I thought using only one toilet would be impossible. If you reason it out, I think it's less about refraining from spending any points, and more that we need to spend our points effectively. You should know that, Yukimura-kun. The other classes have most likely come to the same conclusion."

"That's all just speculation on your part. Besides, if the other classes did install the toilets, we'd be twenty points ahead just by doing without them. So that's precisely why we shouldn't install one."

"You're right about that, but it's unlikely that putting up with a faulty toilet will work out in our favor. It'll add unnecessary stress and anxiety. I'm also worried about sanitation. Objectively, we should install at least one toilet."

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