Vol-1 Ch-12 The Best Friend

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As I re-entered the class, chaos was everywhere. People were shouting at each other, some people still in depression.

At moments like this, I truly asked myself. Why am I doing this? The answer came back to me. You will be bored if you didn't.

"Excuse me, everyone. Please pay attention and don't shout. It was literally the first remedy I told you yesterday." I said in a commanding voice.

At this everybody voluntarily became silent, anybody who didn't faced the wrath of the girls.

"Good, now as Sensei told us, our mid terms are in 3 weeks. So our first course of action would be two improve the results and avoiding expulsion. Are we on the same page?"

"Yes!" They answered.

"For that, we will be forming the study groups as discussed yesterday. The study groups would be lead by the students who got atleast 80 or above in the test."

"Ayanokoji-boy, I hope you haven't included me in that list." Kouenji said.

"Don't worry Kouenji, you will be enjoying your freedom. Now the name of the leaders and their group members are as follows -"

I took out a list from my pocket.

'Hirata Yousuke' group
Ijuuin Wataru
Okitani Kyousuke
Onizuka Kiyoshi
Ueno Itsuki
Sugawara Kazuto
Minami Hakuo

'Yukimura Teruhiko' group
Minami Setsuya
Kikuchi Eita
Sotomura Hideo
Makida Susumu
Miyake Akito

'Horikita Suzune' group
Rino Akari
Yokoyama Misaki
Maezono Masami
Ishikura Kayoko
Onodera Kayano

'Matsushita Chiaki' group
Karuizawa Kei
Shinohara Satsuki
Mori Nene
Satou Maya
Ichihashi Ruri
Nishimura Ryuuko

'Wang Mei-yu' group
Hasabe Haruka
Sakura Airi
Azuma Sana
Inogashira Kokoro
Sonoda Chiyo

'Kushida Kikyou' group
Yamauchi Haruki
Ike Kanji
Hondou Ryoutaro
Miyamoto Soshi
Sudou Ken

"This will be the study groups, if you have any problems with the list, don't come to me. Learn to adjust, if you don't know anyone in your group, then get to know them. Make new friends. We have to study together for the next three years. No, Karuizawa. I won't be teaching you."

"But why? What did I do wrong?" she said with a pout.

"You didn't do anything, I won't be leading a study group because I will be overseeing each of them. I would suggest the leaders to gather their members and make a chat group. Also decide the timings and the location for the sessions and inform me immediately. I will be making a chat group for the leaders."

Most of them were satisfied. Some were too shy to complain and others didn't get the chance to complain.

"Ayanokoji, I thought you were our enemy. But clearly you are our friend. Thank you for putting us in Kushida-chan's group."

Whole idiot company as we call them were in Kushida's group. Although she was smiling from the outside, she must be cursing me from the inside.

The algorithm that was extracting students information from the school, gave me the past of all my classmates in details. Not only that I have very sensitive information about everyone in this school. That's the most powerful tool you can have in your arsenal.

I made the groups according to their personality that I observed, like Hirata's group was made of the boys who weren't in the boys group and were shy. Similar with Mei's group which had all the shy girls of our class, so that she is not overwhelmed. Every group was made to work efficiently.

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