Vol-1 Ch-14 The Angels and Demons

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I was sitting at the Library with Matsushita's group.

They were lagging behind severely, so I forced them to change their location. Since they have made steady progress. Although, me personally teaching them had a hand in it too.

Right now Matsushita was busy doing something, so I was the tutor.

The Horikita problem was solved as she apologized to her group members. Her group has been progressing as well. Even though they started a week and a half late. Most of the students in her group were already a little better than average, so I had no doubts that they would get it covered.

During the session, a girl from Class B came to Mori. She had an average height, black hair and blue eyes. She looked like Kei, but with black hair.

"Hello, Mori-san. I am surprised to see you here and who is this hot guy. Is he your boyfriend?" she looked at me inquisitively.

I never thought someone could beat Mori, in terms of teasing but here we are. Mori was busy blushing so I took the charge.

"Hello, I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you. And I am not a boyfriend of anyone present here." I replied.

"Ooh, so you are single. I am Amikura Mako. Don't mind if I try flirting with you. But what are you doing here with girls?"

"He is our tutor, Mako-chan. Now would you please leave us." Shinohara replied.

Usually it would have been Kei, who said something like that but ever since our conversation she has been improving her attitude.

"Hey, hey. I am just asking. But, what are you guys studying. That's not in our syllabus." she said looking at the book, Mori was holding.

"It is not? Would you mind terribly, if I take a look at the syllabus, Class B received."

"Not at all, it's with Honami-chan. I will call her." she said and went towards the group of Class B students.

She returned shortly with the beautiful girl with light pink hair, I saw her on the day of meeting with Sae.

"Hello everybody. I am Ichinose Honami, official representative of Class B. Nice to meet you everyone." she said enthusiastically.

Her charm and beauty was off the charts. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the most popular girl in our school. But the interesting part was official representative.

As I was assessing her, Mako started teasing me.

"Hey, looks like someone can't get their eyes off of Honami-chan. I am jealous of you, Honami-chan. Scoring such a hot guy without even trying." she looked at Ichinose.

"Wha-No, don't say that Mako-chan. You will make him uncomfortable like others with your straightforwardness." she said with a red face.

"It's not a problem, I am pretty much immune to teasing due to Mori. I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, representative of Class D. Pleased to make your acquaintance." I moved my hand forward to shake and she accepted it. I expected a little disgust from other leaders, considering we are the worst class but she clearly was different.

"It's wonderful to meet a fellow leader for the first time, Mako-chan told me you wanted to see the syllabus we received?"

"Yes, may do you mind if I take a look?"

"Not at all, I am happy to help. Here, it is." she gave me her phone. I was surprised because generally you just hand your phone to a person you just met. She was a trusting type, although a little naive.

"As expected, there are some chapters included here that aren't in our syllabus. But interesting enough, we too have some chapters that aren't in your syllabus. Wait, a moment." I gave back her phone and took out mine. Everyone were confused, as to what I was doing.

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