Vol-2 Ch-10 The Final Stand Part-2

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Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.
                                                     -Sun Tzu

"If everyone is present, let us begin." Tachibana said.

"Before this discussion begin, I would like to bring this to everyone's notice that school doesn't take these types of topic lightly. If Class D here, knowingly trying to protect the felons then the punishment would be severe. The whole of Class D would be suspended for a month." Chairman Sakayanagi looked at me.

"I agree to the terms and conditions. Let's begin." I said with confidence.

This pissed off Ryūen even more than he already was.

"A report was filled by Class C accusing Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki of Class D, sexually harassing Yajima Mariko of Class C. I would like to confirm with Class C that this statement is true." said Tachibana.

"Yes, it's hundred percent true. Those two bastards laid there creepy hands on Yajima. Thankfully, Okabe alerted us and we reached in time to stop anything from happening." Ryūen said passionately. Yep, the loss hurt him pretty bad.

"Class D, what would you like to say in Ike and Yamauchi's defense?"

"I would like to ask if I can play the clips from last meeting." I answered.

"What would that prove? This is a separate case." said Ryūen.

I didn't pay him any mind. Manabu played the recording in which Kondou confessed about Ryūen.

"Now keeping it in mind, that Class C already created a lie to sabotage Class D. What are the chances that this situation is any different?"

"That was about a measly fight, this one is serious. Why would we lie about this? Can you be a little considerate. Yajima went through all that trauma and you are claiming it to be a lie?" he shouted.


"Oh yeah, last meeting you showed a recording right? How about I show one of those too." he said and got up.

He did the same procedures as me and played a video recording on the projector. For the second time, the curtains did their job.

The video was taken from a far. Unlike my video, the sound was not recorded at all.

It showed Ike and Yamauchi touching Yajima at inappropriate places. Suddenly, Yajima started shouting for help.

At that moment the cameraman along with some others started running towards her. Albert tackled both of them to the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't interrupt our good times." Yamauchi cried.

"Ryūen-kun, these are the boys who called us here to rape us. Thankfully, we reached in time to save Yajima-san. Or else who knows what they could have done to her." said Okabe.

I looked at Yajima who wasn't looking at the screen, she was holding her face between her hands and silently sobbing. She was playing her part very well. Kikyou, you have a twin.

"Good work Okabe for telling us about it. You both trash, I will destroy you both." said Ryūen in the recording.

"Why, we did nothing wrong. She is the one who told us to do whatever we want with her." Yamauchi cried.

That idiot still haven't realized what was happening to him.

"He is lying, they started touching me forcefully and said that if I didn't let them have me. Then they would destroy my life." Yajima started crying in the recording as well as in the present.

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