Vol-1 Ch-10 The Turn

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The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled.

                                             -The Prestige

"Good morning, Kiyotaka" said Okitani, entering the gym. While I was leaving.

"Hey, how are you doing? You are late today."

"I kinda overslept, I was up all night playing counter strike. Where are the others?"

"They are in the sauna, it seems today's workout a little hard for them."

"All the workout routines, you instruct us to follow are hard. If today was extra hard, then I will consider myself lucky to be absent."

"Actually, because you weren't here today, so tomorrow I will make sure to work you extra hard."

"What! No that's unfair." he cried.

"Anyway, there's still 10 minutes left, atleast do some stretching exercises for today. I will be going now. One more thing, remind the others that today is an important day. So no one should be absent." I said ignoring his protest.

I started walking towards the dorms, it was a fair distance to cover. The gym was isolated, not many people came here to exercise as people preferred the gym at the Keyaki mall. The membership fee was low and we got extra discount for joining as a group.

During my walk, I started thinking about today. 30th April, Today I am gonna reveal the S system to the class. During the conversations with other classmates, I always left a hint about the system but nobody understood it.

The whole month, people either slept in the class, used their mobile phone, came late or were absent altogether. No body paid attention to the teacher other than a select few. Everything was according to my calculations. The class would be zero or atleast close to it.

And if my predictions are correct then tomorrow we wouldn't be receiving any points. The class would start to panic as most of them have already spent most of their points.

That's why I didn't tell them anything before. When they find themselves in such a position, they will look towards a person who is smart enough to lead them.

By revealing the system today, most people will know who that person is and if someone doubts my theory, the result will be out tomorrow.

Only if I was placed in a better class, I wouldn't have to do so much work and lead a class which is full of defects to victory. But then again where's the fun in that. Because when everything is done and dusted, this class will go down as the most dominant class in the history of ANHS. That's my promise because no matter what the school throws at me, I will win. I don't care what methods I will have to use. Whoever I will have to sacrifice. The most important thing to me is my freedom and I will achieve it after graduating from Class A. The freedom from that white hell.


As I entered the classroom, I saw all the students were present. It seems the group leaders did their work.

Last few weeks, I assigned some group leaders to the major groups. Like Hirata, Kushida, Chiaki, Karuizawa, Sudo and Yukimura to name a few.

Sudo was the leader of the idiots, even though he didn't know it.

"Hello there, Ayanokouji-kun. So what is the important news you are going to announce today? Is it something related to the class or something personal." said Kushida in her usual cheerful voice.

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