SS-The Amusement Park

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV-

15th July

"Good morning. It's good to see that everyone is present." I said looking at the crowd of 38 present in front of me. We all stood in the lobby of the dormitory building.

"Ayanokouji-kun, is it something important? I am not complaining but our finals ended yesterday. So we thought that today we will take a break." said Nishimura.

"Yes, it is important. The reason, I called all 38 of you today is a surprise."

"Why isn't Kouenji here? Shouldn't he be here too?" protested Sodou.

"I don't want to waste my time on something which I know wouldn't happen."

"But Ayanokouji-kun, what is the surprise?" asked Ichihashi.

"The surprise is...... I bought unlimited rides passes for the amusement park for everybody. I understand that you all have worked hard in the last few weeks. So, as a good leader, it's my responsibility to give you all a treat."

"Holy Shit!!!"

"I can't believe my ears."

"Let's freaking go!!"

"You're the best leader Ayanokouji-kun."

"Calm down, calm down. But that would have cost a lot. How did you pay for it." Horikita asked.

"It did, 168,000 points to be exact. I paid it from the points we got from Class D."

"Free vacations are the best!"

Everybody started cheering and discussing about what they would do for today.

"Before you all start to make plans for the day, there is a catch."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"You will be spending your day in the groups of four."

"Oh, that's not bad. Most of us would adjust." said Kei.

"Let me finish, a group of four people will consist of four people who are not friends."

"Wait, what?"

"Last few months, I have been observing the class and it has come to my notice that our class is divided into groups. Outside of those groups, interactions are rare. Now, I don't oppose having a close friend group but that doesn't mean you don't talk to others."

"For the next three years, this is your class. So, it is extremely vital for cohesion to exist between us."

"But you said, we will enjoy the day. How can we do that without our friends."

"I understand that, but who is stopping you to enjoy with your group mates. They are your classmates too."

"I agree with Ayanokouji-kun, we should give this a try. Who knows maybe at the end of the day, we would have gained new friends." Kikyou supported me as always.

"I will also agree with Ayanokouji-kun, this is an excellent chance for us to know our classmates better." Hirata spoke.

It was inevitable for others, when the three of the class pillars agree on something. There is little you can do to oppose them.

"So, is everybody in agreement?"

"Yes!" everyone replied.

"Good, now some final rules for the day. It is 9 am already. You have till 6 pm to enjoy the rides and plan your day. Lunch is not sponsored, so you have to use your own points. But after 6 pm, all of us will meet back at the location sent in the group chat. Clear?"

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