Vol-2 Ch-4 The Creep

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It was Tuesday morning, I got off the elevator and saw an unusual duo standing.

"Kikyou and Suzune, I didn't know that you two were close friends. Walking to school together. You are finally making friends Suzune, I feel like a proud father." I wiped an imaginary tear.

"Ayanokouji-kun, don't make me angry this early in the morning. I am here to discuss about an important topic with you while Kushida-san was waiting for you." she gave me her usual glare.

"Let's talk while walking. I don't want to get late. So what do you want to talk about?"

"Have you made contact with any witnesses for the case?" she asked.

"It's surprising to see you care about that? What happened are you okay?" I said while checking her temperature. I was really in the mood to annoy Suzune today.

"Since that incident, I am trying to improve. If I can help my class for the better then I will not hesitate." she said with determination.

"That's good. But no we haven't made contact with any witnesses."

"Then I can help you. Yesterday when you announced for the search of witnesses. Sakura-san looked down. A lot of students were staring at you. But Sakura was the only one who didn't appear interested. She wouldn't have acted that way without some connection to the incident."

I was genuinely impressed by Horikita's observational prowess. She'd noticed a classmate's very minor gesture.

"Thank you, Horikita-san. But we already knew that. Yesterday, Kiyotaka-kun told me and Matsushita-san about it. He has already instructed me to talk to her and persuade her to testify." Kushida said. Although it sounded like she was bragging. Perhaps to insult Suzune that she was late to the party.

"But you said that you haven't found any witnesses?" Suzune asked me.

"You asked if we made contact with the witness. We haven't, we just know who it is." I explained.

"I still don't understand. If you already know who the witness is then why did you tell the class to form groups and search for witnesses." she asked.

"If a large number of students from our class asked about a witness, even though we already have one. Then what would a normal outsider think?"

"That, we still haven't gotten a witness. Oh! You mean you want to surprise Class C with a witness. They wouldn't be prepared if they didn't know about it."

"Yes, that's the gist of it."

"I see, so my help was not required. Sorry for wasting your time, Ayanokouji-kun." she said and left. I knew this hurt her pride immensely.

"You know, you could have just kept quite about it and let her think that she actually helped." I said.

"Where's the fun in that. I would never leave a chance to insult that bitch. You wouldn't mind, would you?" she looked at me with those cute eyes.

"You do know that your seducing abilities don't work on me." I gave her a blank stare.

"You are the only one, any other guy would have been on the floor by my cuteness."

"I think, I like your other side more. When you show your real face with those eyes full of hate. You look more beautiful that way." I said.

It was a rare moment but I saw Kushida blushing.

"Stop talking about it, someone might here us." she said.

We entered the classroom and the first face I saw was Hirata.

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