Volume 2 - Prologue

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The color that spread across my field of vision.

The first thing I remember was equally as white.

As the name White Room implies, this facility is based on the color white. The ceiling is no exception.

I was staring at that white ceiling in my first memory. Before showing any interest in staring or playing with my fingertips, I simply wondered what this white ceiling was.

Day after day, I spent more and more time just staring at that ceiling.

At first, I cried. I cried because I missed people, and then I learned that no one was coming to help me.

Now that I look back on it, it was instinct, not logic.

This is the first thing a newborn baby, who cannot even speak, learns when it accepts its environment.

After that, I realized the existence of my fingers. I spent all day long looking at, sucking, and licking my little fingers, and nothing else, in the emptiness.

The nourishment necessary for life was brought to us by the cold adults. This is no different in the case of illness.

The treatment was carried out without hesitation, and daily life returned as if nothing had happened.

No one panicked, no one worried, no one rejoiced. Eventually, you learn. You realized that you’re being carefully cared for here.

Human beings have feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. But none of them are of much use in this facility.

The children, with their still undeveloped brains, learned that early on. No wonder. Whether you laugh or cry, get angry or sad, the instructors weren’t there to help you.

The only time I could move forward was when I achieved something.

Then I woke up.


Sakura Airi's Soliloquy -

I don’t know how to interact with other people. I’m bad at talking while making eye contact.

I’m horrible with crowds. I don’t remember how or when I became so hopeless.

However, one thing I do know for certain is that a person cannot live entirely in isolation.

No matter how much I may love my solitude, I can’t remain totally by myself.

So, I came up with a solution. I would adopt a false face and hide my true self.

Then, I wouldn’t be completely honest, but I could be a version of myself. I could continue to live in this dark, lonely world.

The world isn’t entirely beautiful. Everyone knows this, but in their hearts they still wish for that perfect, idyllic place.

A bit of a contradiction. I don’t care who answers me, but I need to know.

Is everyone else putting on a façade, just like me?

Or do most people show their true selves to the outside world?

Since I can’t connect with people, I suppose there’s no way for me to find out the answer.

Therefore, I remain alone. I’m all right by myself. I’m all right with being alone.

I…I want to connect with someone from the bottom of my heart. And so I will continue to live quietly, with my eyes downcast.



It has been exactly one month since I started writing this story.

Here is the prologue of volume 2, the first chapter will be released tomorrow at the same time.

Just to let you know Asahina Nazuna (16 votes) has beaten Arisu Sakayanagi (14 votes). So the pairing for the first year would be Asahina Nazuna.

I wouldn't have minded either. But to be honest, I like to write something new. So I am satisfied with the results.

Anyways that's all for now.

Have a wonderful day.

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