Vol-1 Ch-9 The One Stop

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It had been three weeks, since the entrance ceremony and I bought a shop. I know it sounds abrupt.

After figuring out the S system, the biggest challenge was to have a stable flow of points. The easiest way to fix that was to generate from another source. At first, my plan was to invest in a well established business but that idea went to the dumpster. The minimum investment in a big cafe or store was well beyond what I had. Plus the return was not that good.

So, the next best thing was to start from the scratch.

Last few weeks, I had been building excellent relations with most of our classmates, giving subtle hints about how the school works, but being the defects they are didn't understand a thing. There were exceptions like Hirata, Yukimura and some girls from Kushida's group but they too didn't think much about it.

But on the other hand, I was already making moves for the success of my store.

To gather the initial investment required to open a large business was a lot. To gather the points, either I had to resort to extorting points from a wealthy senior. Which has its own issues. You need a good blackmail material for extortion of large sum, which was time consuming and there is a lot of physical evidence left in the process, if a large sum of points was credited in my account (which I am sure is monitored by the school) and somebody reported me, I would be a sitting duck.

So, I came up with a better plan. Since the second day of the school, I was building a program with The professor that could breach the security of the school's database and extract every possible information about the students, their like or dislikes, what they like to buy, what do they spend at and will prepare an infected mail that will contain a virus. Once the program is in, it would steal all their real points and show them a fake number of points.

The stolen points will automatically be then spread over many dormant accounts to prevent detection. Only I will have the access to the accounts.

This required complex programming, and consumes a lot of time, no highschooler without prior knowledge of advanced programming language could have done it. I created it in two days, it's been working since. I have already amassed a whopping 165 millions.

Although this wouldn't be sustainable for the long run. Soon the students will notice that the fake points shown to them are non usable. So using these points for necessary investment was a must.

The idea of the business was very simple, the all in one store at the mall, that sells used products at low prices was already going out of business. Due to being almost hidden because of a small entrance and being at the bottom most basement. Nobody knew that it even existed. Selling used or damaged products didn't help either. So I made a deal with them and bought their whole stock. Which also included buying anything they receive from the third year.

But not only that with the help of the Professor, we created a website where people can sell there used products in exchange for points. Although the price they would get would be very low. We made a whole supply line with the help of the workers whose job is to clean the dorm room when the third year student graduates. They would bring all the leftovers from the senior dorms.

We bought a grand on sale property near the dorms and renovated it heavily. Then we hired the best repairs guys, tailors, electricians, carpenters, welders and every there type of workers in the campus. Most of them were already working in stores at the mall. But because of the more lucrative offer, they agreed.

The store in itself will basically be the same all in one store, but at a better location and sells products as good as new.

It took a lot of work to do all of this. Notable thing is that, I wasn't doing all of this physically. I poached the manager of Yodobashi Akiba, the biggest store in the school campus, with a salary which was not offered anywhere. He was the one who was doing the physical work as the proxy owner of the store under my commands.

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