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As Jake slowly regained consciousness, he found himself on a stroller bed being rushed back to their hospital room. The flurry of activity around him blurred into a whirlwind of motion, and he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. His heart raced as he glanced over to the other bed, where Sunghoon lay unconscious with a nebulizer covering his face. Despite the urgency of the situation, Jake couldn't help but feel a surge of relief knowing that they were both receiving medical attention.

The white walls of the hospital room seemed to close in around him as Jake lay there, grappling with a dizzying sense of disorientation. He fought to stay awake, his eyelids heavy with exhaustion as he tried to make sense of the chaos swirling around him. But before he could gather his bearings, the darkness consumed him once more, pulling him back into the depths of unconsciousness.

When Jake finally awoke again, he found himself in their hospital room, the familiar surroundings offering a semblance of comfort amidst the uncertainty. Sunghoon still lay motionless in the bed beside him, his breathing shallow and labored. Jake's heart clenched with worry as he gazed at his boyfriend, a silent prayer on his lips for Sunghoon's recovery.

Despite his own weakness, Jake felt an overwhelming need to be by Sunghoon's side, to offer whatever support he could in this trying time.

Nurse Emily's gentle voice broke through Jake's reverie, urging him to rest and recover. But Jake couldn't ignore the gnawing anxiety in his chest, the fear that gripped him every time he looked at Sunghoon's motionless form. Ignoring his own discomfort, he pushed himself to sit up, determined to be there for his boyfriend when he needed him most.

As Nurse Emily tried to dissuade him, Jake's resolve only strengthened. With a determined flick of his wrist, he removed the nebulizer from his face, craving the sensation of fresh air against his skin. "Has Sunghoon woken up?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Nurse Emily's response was not what he wanted to hear. "No, he hasn't," she admitted, her expression grave. "It seems that his head was very damaged. He has a high fever."

The news hit Jake like a physical blow, his heart constricting with worry. Sunghoon's condition was worse than he had feared, and there was little he could do to help. But even as despair threatened to overwhelm him, Jake refused to give in to despair. With a steely resolve, he pushed himself out of bed, determined to be there for Sunghoon in whatever way he could.

"Please, let me," Jake implored Nurse Emily, his voice unwavering despite the turmoil raging within him. "I am fine."

With a resigned sigh, Nurse Emily relented, assisting Jake as he made his way to Sunghoon's bedside. Sitting down in the chair beside him, Jake's eyes never left Sunghoon's face, his heart heavy with worry. But amidst the darkness of their situation, there remained a glimmer of hope—a determination to see Sunghoon through this ordeal, no matter the cost.

"Jake, you really should be resting," she urged gently, her voice laced with exhaustion. "You've been through a lot, and you need to take care of yourself too."

But Jake shook his head resolutely, his focus squarely on Sunghoon's still form. "I can't leave him," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation. "Not when he needs me the most."

Nurse Emily sighed, her gaze softening with understanding. She knew that Jake's steadfast loyalty to his boyfriend would brook no argument, no matter how well-intentioned. With a resigned nod, she relented, allowing Jake to remain by Sunghoon's side under the condition that he would rest when he could.

"What came into both of your minds that you two decided to run around the hospital?" Nurse Emily's question echoed in the room, cutting through the silence with its blunt honesty. Jake winced at the reminder of their reckless escapade, the guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders. But even as he grappled with his culpability, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth at the memory of their impromptu game.

"We went to play a game," Jake admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "It was fun." He cast a glance at Sunghoon, his heart aching at the sight of his friend's fragile state. Despite the levity of his words, there was an underlying sadness in Jake's tone, a recognition of the consequences of their actions.

But amidst the guilt and remorse, there was also a glimmer of hope. As Jake reached out to caress Sunghoon's hair, a sense of determination washed over him. "I won," he declared softly, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. As he sat there, holding Sunghoon's hand in his own, Jake vowed to do whatever it took to see his friend through this ordeal, no matter the cost.

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