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As Sunghoon entered their hospital room, his eyes fell upon the myriad paper hearts that adorned every corner, a poignant reminder of the love they had shared. Overwhelmed by emotion, he closed the door behind him, the weight of grief bearing down on his shoulders like a heavy burden.

With trembling hands, Sunghoon sank to his knees amidst the sea of paper hearts, their colorful hues a stark contrast to the darkness that enveloped his heart. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked, his sobs echoing in the silent room as he whispered Jake's name into the emptiness.

"Jake," Sunghoon choked out between sobs, his voice raw with anguish and longing. "I miss you so much."

Each paper heart seemed to hold a piece of their precious memories together, a testament to the love that had filled their lives and now lingered in the air like a bittersweet melody. Sunghoon reached out to touch one of the hearts, tracing its delicate contours with a trembling hand, as if seeking solace in the tangible reminder of their love.

In that moment, surrounded by the echoes of their shared laughter and the whispered promises of their hearts, Sunghoon found a glimmer of comfort amidst the overwhelming pain. Though Jake was no longer with him in body, his presence lingered in every corner of the room, a beacon of light in the darkness of grief.

With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, Sunghoon vowed to carry their love with him always, cherishing each precious moment they had shared and finding solace in the enduring bond that would forever unite them, heart to heart.

As Sunghoon retrieved the paper hearts from his pocket, a flood of memories washed over him, each heart a testament to the love they had shared. With trembling fingers, he gently caressed the edges of the paper hearts, each one a cherished memento of their time together.

But amidst the paper hearts, his hand found something else in his pocket—a small, delicate necklace that he had meant to give to Jake. The sight of it brought a fresh wave of pain crashing over him, reminding him of all the plans and dreams they had once shared.

Tears welled up in Sunghoon's eyes as he held the necklace in his palm, the weight of his loss heavy upon his heart. He had wanted to give it to Jake as a symbol of their love, a token of his commitment to always be there for him, through thick and thin.

But now, with Jake gone, the necklace felt like a cruel reminder of everything they had lost. Sunghoon closed his eyes, struggling to contain his emotions as grief threatened to overwhelm him once more.

With a heavy heart, he gently placed the necklace back into his pocket, unable to bear the weight of it any longer. It was a painful reminder of what could have been, a silent testament to the love that would forever remain unspoken.

His heart ached so badly. He couldn't even breathe properly. 

Jake wanted to live and Sunghoon wanted to die.

But Jake died for Sunghoon and Sunghoon will live for Jake.

PAPER HEARTS || JAKEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now