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As Jake reveled in the carefree delight of swinging through the air, Sunghoon's watchful gaze caught sight of something amiss. A trickle of blood emerged from Jake's nose, staining his otherwise joyful expression.

Sunghoon's heart lurched with concern, his mind racing as he hurried to Jake's side. With a sense of urgency, he reached for his handkerchief, using it to gently wipe away the crimson droplets that marred Jake's face.

"Jake, are you okay?" Sunghoon's voice trembled with worry as he searched Jake's eyes for any sign of distress.

Jake's smile faltered momentarily as he touched a hand to his nose, his fingers coming away stained with blood. Despite the discomfort, he offered Sunghoon a reassuring nod, his determination to stay strong evident in his gaze.

"I'm fine, Sunghoon," Jake insisted, though the strain in his voice betrayed his true feelings.

Sunghoon's brows furrowed with concern, his heart heavy with the weight of Jake's pain. He longed to ease his friend's suffering, to offer comfort in the face of uncertainty.

"We should go back inside," Sunghoon suggested gently, his hand lingering on Jake's shoulder in a silent gesture of solidarity. "Let Nurse Emily take a look at you."

As they returned to the hospital, Sunghoon's sense of unease grew, his own body beginning to betray him. Dizziness clouded his vision, threatening to engulf him in darkness. Yet, before he could fully comprehend his own plight, Jake collapsed against him, his weight bearing down heavily on Sunghoon's weakened frame.

Sunghoon staggered under the sudden burden, his heart racing with panic. He hadn't anticipated Jake's collapse, and now they were both in need of urgent assistance. With trembling hands, he reached for the nearest nurse, his voice trembling as he called out for help.

"Nurse Emily! Please, we need help!" Sunghoon's plea echoed through the hallway, a desperate cry in the face of uncertainty. Nurses rushed to their aid, their swift actions a lifeline in their time of need.

Together, they lifted Jake onto a nearby stretcher, ensuring he received the care he so desperately required. Sunghoon watched on, his heart heavy with worry for his friend, yet grateful for the swift response of the hospital staff.

As Jake was whisked away for treatment, Sunghoon felt a sense of isolation wash over him, his condition momentarily forgotten in the chaos of the moment. Yet, amidst the fear and uncertainty, one thing remained clear – they were in this together, bound by a bond that transcended the trials they faced.

Panic gripped the room as blood began to escape from Jake's mouth, a crimson torrent of despair that threatened to engulf them all. Sunghoon's heart pounded with fear as he watched Jake cough, his eyes fluttering as consciousness slipped away like sand through his fingers.

Frantic voices filled the air as nurses and doctors rushed to Jake's side, their trained hands working swiftly to stabilize him. Sunghoon felt powerless, his mind a whirlwind of emotions as he stood by, his heart aching with the weight of uncertainty.

With each passing moment, the sense of helplessness only seemed to grow, casting a pall over the room as they fought to save Jake's life. Sunghoon's hands trembled as he reached out to touch Jake, a silent plea for him to hold on, to fight against the darkness threatening to consume him.

As they transported Jake back to their hospital room for further treatment, Sunghoon's mind raced with worry, his thoughts consumed by the fragile thread that held Jake's life in balance. He could only watch on, his heart heavy with the weight of their shared struggle, praying for a miracle to guide them through the darkness that threatened to tear them apart.

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