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As the dawn of a new day bathed the hospital room in soft hues of light, Jake felt the tendrils of weakness creeping through his body, each breath becoming more labored than the last. Sunghoon's heart ached at the sight of Jake's diminishing strength, a silent witness to the toll that illness had taken on his beloved friend.

Unable to bear the weight of his sorrow alone, Sunghoon pulled a chair close to Jake's bed, aligning two chairs together to create a makeshift sanctuary where they could find solace in each other's company. Jake watched with curiosity as Sunghoon orchestrated their impromptu gathering, his heart swelling with gratitude for the unwavering presence of his dear friend.

"Let's make paper hearts," Sunghoon suggested softly, his voice trembling with emotion. Jake's smile widened at Sunghoon's unexpected proposal, a glimmer of joy amidst the pall of sadness that hung heavy in the air. Without hesitation, Jake settled into the chair beside Sunghoon, their hands intertwining in a silent pledge of solidarity.

"Let's make thousands of them," Sunghoon declared, his voice infused with determination. Jake's brow furrowed in confusion at Sunghoon's fervent request, but before he could voice his inquiry, Sunghoon reached for Jake's hand, his touch a balm to Jake's weary soul.

"I want to be with you longer, Jake," Sunghoon confessed, his voice choked with tears. Jake's heart clenched at the raw honesty in Sunghoon's words, a profound sense of love and longing coursing through his veins.

Unable to contain his own emotions any longer, Sunghoon dissolved into tears, his body trembling with the weight of his sorrow. Jake enveloped Sunghoon in a comforting embrace, their tears mingling in a silent symphony of shared grief and unwavering devotion.

But amidst the tears and the pain, there was also laughter, a fleeting moment of joy that danced between them like a beacon of light in the darkness. "Let's make them now!" Jake exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike enthusiasm.

With newfound determination, Sunghoon wiped away his tears, his gaze locking with Jake's in a silent promise to cherish every precious moment they had together. And so, hand in hand, they began to fashion paper hearts, each one a testament to the enduring strength of their bond and the boundless depths of their love.

As Jake and Sunghoon immersed themselves in the simple joy of crafting paper hearts, little did they know that they were not alone in their moment of camaraderie. Unbeknownst to them, Nurse Emily stood silently by the hospital door, her heart swelling with tenderness at the sight before her.

From her vantage point, Nurse Emily observed the intimate exchange between Jake and Sunghoon, the laughter that bubbled forth from their shared memories, and the unspoken bond that bound them together. She watched as they poured their hearts into each delicate fold, their laughter echoing through the room like a melody of hope amidst the uncertainty that loomed over them.

With each passing moment, Nurse Emily's admiration for the two friends deepened, her own resolve strengthened by the unwavering resilience that radiated from their presence. In Jake and Sunghoon, she saw a testament to the power of love and friendship, a beacon of light in the darkest of times.

As she lingered in the doorway, Nurse Emily made a silent vow to stand by them, to offer whatever solace and support she could in their hour of need. For in their laughter and their tears, she found a profound sense of purpose, a reminder of the sacred duty she held to care for those entrusted to her care.

And so, with a heart full of gratitude, Nurse Emily watched over Jake and Sunghoon, her silent presence a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of love.

As the night descended upon them, casting a gentle veil of darkness over the hospital room, Jake and Sunghoon continued their task of crafting paper hearts with unwavering determination. Each delicate fold was imbued with the warmth of their friendship, a testament to the bond that held them together in the face of adversity.

With each completed heart, they added it to the growing collection nestled within the large paper bag, a treasure trove of memories that they had created together. But as they neared the end of their task, Jake's mischievous spirit took hold, and he couldn't resist the urge to play.

With a mischievous grin, Jake opened the drawer of the bedside table, revealing a hidden stash of paper hearts that had accumulated over time. Sunghoon's eyes widened in surprise as he beheld the overflowing drawer, a testament to the depth of their shared moments.

"I made these when you weren't still here, i was bored alone so i was able to make a paper hearts that as many as how large the drawer is"

Without hesitation, Jake scooped up a handful of paper hearts and tossed them playfully into the air, filling the room with a shower of colorful confetti. Sunghoon couldn't help but join in the fun, his laughter mingling with Jake's as they reveled in the joy of the moment.

Together, they danced amidst the swirling paper hearts, their laughter echoing through the room like a symphony of happiness. And as they embraced in the midst of their makeshift celebration, their hearts intertwined in a moment of pure, unadulterated love.

With their noses pressed together, Jake gazed into Sunghoon's eyes, his heart overflowing with emotion. "I love you, Jake," Sunghoon whispered, his voice a tender declaration of the depth of his feelings.

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