Janis 'imi'ike part 1

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"Jay!" Olivia smiled, wrapping one arm around the brunette, the other brushing her arm.

"Hey Livy, hey D! Look who finally showed up!" Olivia pouted, Damian laughing at her.

"How was your summer?" He asked, having texted her before school this morning already.

"Oh- you know, the usual. We went to France, again, then hung out in Italy for a bit." She shrugged, drawing shapes on Janis' skin.

She was not about to tell them the embarrassing amount of time she'd spend daydreaming of Janis.

"Honey! That is not 'the usual'! Take us with next time!" He gasped, placing a hand on his chest, Olivia's cheeks tinting pink at the thought of being on vacation with janis.

"Yeah! Totally unfair that we had to be stuck with our crusty grandparents! No offence D, yours are amazing." Damian pretended to flip his hair over his shoulder.

"I know."

"I'll take you guys with next vacation, any of you know how to ski?" They looked at her with wide eyes, slowly shaking their heads, she giggled at their faces, still basically hanging on Janis.

"Don't worry, i won't take you skiing." She smiled at them, waving at a few other students when they walked by.

"Anyways, how were your vacations?" She got off of Janis, who rolled her neck dramatically as if to tell her she was heavy.

"Not much, practicing my art... the usual." Olivia basically hung from Janis' lips whilst she spoke, her hand falling to one of the shelves in her locker, eyes fixated on her amazing face. (Her lips, and eyes, and did she somehow get even prettier over break?)

She snapped out of it when Damian snapped his fingers in front of her face, then ranting about a cute boy he had spotted in a neighbouring town.

Olivia giggled at his dramatics, placing her notebooks in her bag, checking herself in the mirror she had put in her locker.

She pulled out her lipgloss, putting on some more and closing her locker, turning around and leaning against it, waiting for Janis to finish with her locker, they were next to each other.

"And he didn't even ask me for my number! How rude-!" Damian cut himself off abruptly when Thee Regina George approached, basically pinning Olivia to her locker.

"Hello Heart, did you get something done?" Olivia shook her head with a small smile, glancing at Janis, whose eyes were glued onto Regina, glaring at her nemesis.

"Not really, why?" Regina gave her a smile, tipping her chin up with one of her fingers and tilting it to the side to inspect her.

"You've gotten.... Hotter, you can sit with us at lunch if you'd like?" The blonde's hand let go of her chin, now travelling down and grabbing her hand, pulling it up to her lips.

"No thank you, thanks for the offer though Gina." Olivia smiled at the girl as she kissed her knuckles, smirking before walking away with her two friends, who both waved at Olivia, who waved back.

"Why'd you say no! This was the perfect opportunity to-!"

"Janis, darling, please no." Olivia waved her off, her eyes unwillingly going back to the girl's face, which fell.

The imi'ike girl pouted, rolled her eyes, then shut her locker.

"But she's right! You've gotten hotter than the sahara Hun!" Damian wolf whistled, Olivia giving him a little twirl, her dark purple skirt -one that Janis had told her looked nice once- flowing with the motion.

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