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I made concept art for Athene 😔😔

Red watched as her mom skipped around all happy, and was in a happy thriving relationship.

"I love you so very much, my heart." Athene kissed Bridget's forehead, smiling softly as the grin on Bridget's face got even brighter.

"I love you even more my goddess." The taller girl looked away with a light blush, Bridget cooing at how adorable she was.

"Oh! I want to introduce you to the transfers!" Athene looked back at Bridget, who stepped aside and revealed Chloe and Red.

Chloe was mesmerised, looking at the future inventor of many new magic techniques with wide eyes, not able to get a word out.

"Wassup girl, i'm Red, nice to meetcha." Red waved awkwardly, trying to make up for Chloe's gaping.

"Athene, Merlin's daughter, we don't really have a last name either." Chloe snapped out of it, about to say her full real name but she hesitated.

"And she's Chloe, we met your dad a bit ago." Athene nodded, wrapping an arm around Bridget's waist as prince charming skated past and took a cupcake from the platter Bridget had skilfully kept from being squished between them.

"Good morning Charming!"

"Bye Bridg, Ella!" The boy waved back with a charming grin, then did a trick and was gone.

"Uh oh, here come's trouble, let's go before she takes all your sweets Heart." Bridget refused to move, Athene sighing before standing next to the bubbly girl as Uliana and her gang approached.

"What do we have here...."

"Want one?" Uliana laughed, grabbing the platter and walking managing to eat 3 before she tossed the platter.

"That's not-!"

"Do not tell me what to do!"

Athene rolled her eyes, trying to get her girlfriend out of this situation.

"Heart, let's go hang out with Olivia, I'm sure Red would love to meet his name twin, you don't often hear of someone being called Red, this might be a once in a lifetime-."

"Someone help her!" Uliana had turned intk a flamingo, Athene sighed and waved her hand, dispelling the magic.

"Go!" Ella dragged Bridget with, and Athene grabbed the other two, enchanting her body and picking her both up, holding them under her arms as she jumped onto the roof, running towards the gardens, dropping them, and rushing to go get her girlfriend and her friend.

"What Red is she talking about, i'm a girl."

"It's probably a familiar, maybe you're named after it!" Chloe gushed, holding both of Red's hands and bringing them to her chest in excitement.

"No way." Red rolled her eyes, looking away to hide her blush as the others landed on the ground next to them.

"Hey guys, i'm back! Let's go meet Red now!" She dropped Ella onto her feet, but held onto Bridget, who was hanging off of her like a sad koala.

"My heart, it wasn't your fault, she's just a-."

"Rude fucking bitch! How dare she!" Chloe nearly choked, still not used to her mom's rough words.

"That.... Let's go to Olivia and Red, they'll cheer you right up!" Bridget barely reacted, instead mumbling something into her neck, then grasping at her shirt tighter.

"They won't hate you, they're all just very bitter individuals." Chloe nodded along, but Ella was long gone and walking back to school.

"I'm gonna go, have fun though!" Athene waved with a smile, then she started walking towards the coast.

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