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Requested!! RosieposieTS requested this, Hecate is more with the villain clique here.

"Hecate! Get back here." Uliana called out to the witch, who send a last sneer to Bridget and Ella, and then quickly followed after Uliana.

"Stupid Bridget." She grumbled as she joined her friends, who were all exchanging glances, all but Uliana, of course.

"Mh, valentine's day is coming up, you two gonna do anything?" Hades asked Morgie and Hook, who looked at each other and shrugged.

"Probably, you?"

"-stop this nonsensical blabbering! She just publicly humiliated me!" Uliana snapped, Hecate nodding along, towering over most of the group.

"So...? What do you want to do about it?" Maleficent gestured for her to come up with something, looking incredibly bored.

"My god, let's go babe." The two left the rest, probably to go make out and scare first years.

"I have homework..." They frowned at her, "I still want a fucking future!" Hecate threw her hands up as she walked away, Morgie and hook whistling after her to tease her.

"Go buff boss lady!"

"Morgs, she's not the boss lady."

"Go buff lady!"


"Don't you dare show your face around here again." Hecate almost growled out, staring down at a boy who was trembling so bad she thought he might faint.

"God fucking damn it." She gritted her teeth as she picked up the love letter from the boy, quickly tearing it to shreds before anyone could see the name on it.

"Oh... hi Hecate!" Bridget had trued going to her locker, but Hecate was standing in front of it, little snippets of pink laper in her hands.

"Mh?" She arched an eyebrow, looking down at Bridget with narrowed eyes.

"What." Bridget smiled at her, producing one of the macaroons she had made out of nowhere.

"I made macaroons this morning! Would you like one?" She bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Bridget bite at her bottom lip.

"No." She watched as her face fell, this was good.

"Oh... um- okay, bye then?" Bridget still smiled at her, and Hecate stalked off, shoving the boy who tried to put the letter in a locker down harshly, glaring around, this was a warning.


"Wassup fuckers." Hecate grinned madly as she appeared amidst her friendgroup, half of the homosexuals were making out.

"Hi Hecate, one question, let's go ruin Valentines." Hecate shrugged at the not-question, following Uliana as she slammed lockers closed in front of faces.

"Hello." Hecate appeared behind a boy, who was lurking near someone's locker with a red note.

"Let's see shall we? Dear Br-." It burned in her hand, ashes falling down as she slammed her hand into the locker he was about to wiggle it into.

"Huh, I thought I made it clear that nobody-!"

"Oh my gosh! Hecate! Why did you do that?!" Bridget rushed in, and Hecate's hand quickly disconnected from the locker, looking at the princess with a frown.

"Your fist! And my locker..." Her eyes widened, prying open the locker and flattening out the dent from the inside before slamming it closed again.

"What locker." She harshly spat out, Uliana had long left her alone to her shenanigans.

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