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"My princess, you know I'm assigned to keep you safe, I can't just-!" Athene tried, like every morning, to get the royal to allow her to keep her place at her side, a place she'd do anything to keep.

"But.. i'm just going out with Ella! Just take the day off!" Bridget, ever the sweetheart, really just wanted her to have -another- day off and just go off just Ella.



"Princess Bridget, please, allow me to do my job for just one day, i'll be in your shadow for the whole day." Like every other day.

"... okay, but you have to help me carry these!" Bridget held up two trays of cupcakes, and Athene took them from her with a smile.

"Anything for my princess."



"Go walk by the princess, i'll take that from you." Athene replaced Ella with pushing the cart, the girl shooting her a grateful look before speeding up a bit to match Bridget's pace as she walked with the new students.

"Soooo, who are you?" Chloe eventually asked, looking at Athene, who had noticed Red anxiously glancing at her.

"That's Athene! She's the head of my royal guard, my parents hired the best magic swordsman there was!" Bridget proudly introduced, Athene looked over at her as she spoke, her gaze softened significantly.

"She's the captain of my mom's guard, she's always at her side, it's the brunette that was standing next to us when we sat down." Red whispered to Chloe, who's eyes widened as they glanced between Athene and Bridget.

"I'm glas I at least add to your pride, else I would be here for nothing." Athene chuckled, handing her princess another tray of cupcakes to hand out.

"They're not...?" Chloe mumbled to Red, who shook her head.

"Together? Dating? No, I thought she was hooked back in our time but this is probably even worse, I mean i can just-." She waved her hand through the air in a cutting motion.

"Uliana." Athene stepped closer to Bridget, looming over her shoulder, a good head taller than her and taking full advantage.

"Bridget." Uliana hissed out, Red noticed how Athene almost lunged at her, but Bridget reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers, which was so out of character for her mom she almost fainted, but then again this was all very weird so why not.

"Why don't you put a leash on your guard dog, mh?" Morgie barked at her when Hook finished his sentence, Athene giving him a deadpanned stare.

"Uliana, I'm asking you to be mindful of the magical repercussions." Athene gave a second warning to the sea witch, who rolled her eyes and ate all of the feathers.

"My princess, if you'd allow me-." She was about to pick Bridget up to jump onto the balcony and get her to safety, but Ella had already rushed her away and was gesturing for the others to follow.

"Oh... right."

"Why does she look so sad, oh my god i'm gonna cry!" Chloe had tears in her eyes as she watched Athene swallow, probably extremely happy to finally get to show her loyalty.

"Oh this is perfect!" Red groaned, dragging Chloe with as she left the knight.


"Princess!" Athene rushed up to the huddle of girls, immediately kneeling before hers.

"Oh my gosh Athene! You don't have to kneel!" Bridget immediately crouched down, and Athene looked up at her.

"I failed at my duty to get you to safety, I should have acted faster and stopped it from happening completely." Ella sighed, she knew she should've let Athene handle it, the girl would be beating herself up about this for ages now.

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