Chapter Fourteen

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Sage Gibson

"Come on boys, push it!" Coach B yells while we run laps at the end of morning practice. It's game day, which apparently means Coach is relentless during practice. My legs are actually dying.

When he blows his whistle indicating that we're done, I have no shame in the way I throw my body down onto the ground. My legs are killing me.

Slow footsteps walk over and then I see Marc sitting next to me. "Want a drink?"

I let out a groan. I haven't recovered enough yet to form words. I'm too tired. This was too much.

"Come on." He pats me twice on the back. "Roll over."

I do as he intructs, letting out a little hiss of pain. My entire body screams at me. Oh gosh, I'm going to be so sore.

"Sit up a little." Marc tells me. I do, and I take the bottle from him when he offers. The cold water is soothing to my burning throat.

"Thank you." I finally get out while handing it back.

Jamie bounds over with a playful smile. "Dude, you good?"

I collapse back on the floor at his question. Groaning in pain I say, "No. Dying. Death."

"You're so dramatic." He laughs loudly. "You better hurry or you'll miss your chance to shower."

"Shit!" He's right. I hop up and race towards the locker room, suddenly finding more energy. I hear Jamie laugh from behind me.

I'm too late so I have to wait for a shower stall when I get in there. Marc approaches me when he comes in and hands me my waterbottle. I hadn't thought of that.

"Oh, thanks." I smile while taking it.

"No problem." He gives me a soft smile and them goes to his own locker.

I don't have to wait too much longer before a cubicle opens up. I do have to steal it from Zayn though. I feel bad but oh well, it'll be fine.

I change swiftly after getting out of the shower and then throw my bag on my shoulder. Looking around, I see Marc leaving the showers. I'll just wait outside for him.

I leave the changing room and walk over to rest agaisnt the bleachers. Aria comes down and sits next to where I rest. She tilts her head to the side while looking at me.

"You look very refreshed for someone who collapsed over there."

I roll my eyes with a smile. "I'm fine. I just needed to renew my energy. I'm good now. The shower helped."

"Hmmm. You're a strange one."

"I agree." Marc walks up suddenly, making me jump a little because I didn't hear him approach.

Then their insults hit me and I gasp a little. "I am not strange."

Aria rolls her eyes while climbing off the bleachers. The three of us start to walk off when Ethan walks up to join us. I smile at my group.

We split up to go to our own individual lockers but Marc seems to walk in the classroom at the exact same time as me. I smile at him as I slide into my desk. He sits sideways in his desk to look at me.

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