Chapter Fifteen

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Sage Gibson

This is going to suck.

I have to be at the school in ten minutes and Mom isn't home. I knew this would probably happen but I still had hope. She got home at eleven last night and promised she would be able to make it to the game.

I don't know why she makes promises that we both know she can't keep.

My phone buzzes when I'm in the middle of pulling my shorts on. It doesn't matter what I wear down there because I have yet to get my game uniform. Coach said I could pick one when I get there before the game.

A little late but I was more focused on the fact that Coach was actually letting me play the varsity game.

I pick up my phone once I'm dressed and smile at the text from Marc. I quickly reply.

With a small smile, I leave my room. "Natalie! Are you ready to go?"

I poke my head into her room to see her leaving. She smiles at me. "Yep."

"Good. My friend Marc is going to be picking us up."

"Is mommy not coming?" Her eyebrows furrow. I sigh and shake my head.

"I don't think so. That's okay, you'll just have to take lots of pictures on my phone for her. Okay?" I give her a soft smile. She nods.


I grab her hand and walk her to the living room. I let go of her to grab her car seat and then open the door for us. She follows me out and shuts it behind her.

We sit in front of the door for only about five minutes. Natalie entertains us both by playing patty cake with me and then losing at thumb wars. I'm winning for the seventh time when Marc pulls up.

We both stand and she grabs my hand to walk over. I open the back door and put Natalie's booster seat in. While she buckles herself in, I walk to the other side.

Ethan is in the passenger seat so I hop in the back with Natalie. The blond looks back at us in confusion. "You're bringing your sister?"

I shrug. "My mom has work tonight. Where's Aria?"

"She's coming with my parents later." Marc answers. I nod silently.

The drive is quiet except for soft rock music playing quietly on the radio. None of us talk very much. I give Natalie my phone to entertain her.

We get to the school and all climb out. My little sister grabs my hand to walk beside me. Marc's on my other side on the way in.

Ethan walks in first and the rest of us file in behind him. A few kids are already on the court but most aren't. Marc and Ethan head straight for the locker room while I walk towards the sidelines to talk to Coach. He meets me halfway with a friendly smile.

"Who's this?" He looks down at Natalie.

"My little sister. My mom's working tonight, sorry."

"It's okay." He gives me a grin and then crouches down to look at Nat. He offers her his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you. I'm Coach Brittan."

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