Chapter Sixteen

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Sage Gibson

Everything sucks. I feel like a zombie. My alarm is blaring.

"Son of-" I'm cut off by knocking on my bedroom door.

"Bubba?" It's my mom. "Your alarm has been going off for the last five minutes."

Great. I woke her up. I quickly turn the stupid thing off. "Sorry!"

"It's okay." I hear her soft, exhausted voice through the door. I'm a horrible person.

I grunt as I force my body out of bed.

It's Saturday morning and I'm already done. I don't want to go to work, I don't want to socialize. I don't even want to leave my room.

I think I got about an hour of sleep. After our game on Thursday, I passed out around one and slept like a baby. I just couldn't seem to do that last night though.

Hey, God, why do you hate me? Is it 'cause I'm gay?

No, I don't think God would hate me just because I'm gay. Still though, this sucks. Insomnia sucks. Why is the world unfair?

To whatever lucky bastard is out there getting nine hours of sleep: I hope you break a toe.

I change into my work clothes and leave my room, feet dragging against the floor. I hear the distinct sounds of Lion King in living room and try to straighten my posture. Natalie sits on the couch when I emerge and gives me a smile.

I give her one back, even though I don't really feel like it.

"Good morning Kid!" She sing-songs to me.

"Good morning." I want to go back to bed. My Eyes are heavy and my shoulders are drooping. I keep a soft smile on my face though until Natalie looks away.

Mom gives me a kiss on the forehead. "Feel okay?"

"Mhm." I hum and then quietly tell her, "Exhausted."

"Are you okay to head in to work?"

"Of course." I nod. "I'll be fine. I'll buy an energy drink on my way in."

"Okay." She still looks worried but she doesn't say anything else.

I make myself a quick snack for breakfast and then disappear back into my room. I check my phone before getting dressed, laughing at a meme Aria sent me. After running my fingers through my hair a few times and grabbing my overnight bag, I'm good to go.

"Heading to work. Bye Mom, bye kid." I say while walking to the door. My mom has moved over to watch TV with Nat. They both wave from the couch.

"Bye Sage!" Natalie waves both arms, making me snort a little as I leave.

Stepping outside, small goosebumps travel up my arms. It's really starting to get cold out. Maybe I should've grabbed a jacket. There's a hoodie in my duffel bag but I'm not about to go digging around in there.

All the tree I pass have no leaves. The sky is a cool gray today. It makes everything look so sad.

It makes me want to go back and hide in my bed again. The world looks so depressed today, I don't like it. The cold is creeping slowly into my skin and making my brain feel foggy.

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