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Hyunjin called me and said, "Jen has been caught, and they're taking her back to the asylum," over the phone.

"Jen? Do you mean Huh Yunjin?" I asked.

"Yes, her. No other Jen," he replied.

Oh God.

"When are they bringing her?" I inquired.

"Tonight. The officers won't take any chances this time. They'll bring her in a helicopter. Did you know our hospital has a helipad? Isn't that cool?" Hyunjin added.

I couldn't care less about a helipad right now. I had more pressing matters to think about, starting with how they managed to find Yunjin.

Unless she was found because she wanted to be found.

There was no way Jen would surrender willingly, especially if she believed she was innocent.

Getting caught meant facing prosecution, and she might even be sentenced to death for her crimes.

Yunjin must have a reason for returning.

Or, I was overthinking this, and Yunjin might have let her guard down and walked into a trap.

My gut feeling was that Jen had been caught on purpose.

"Hyunjin, please call me when they bring her in."

Meanwhile, I got a lawyer, Jeong Jaehyun. He wasn't the best in the country, but I trusted him, and Kkura recommended him.

He had won many cases, and I had no doubt that if it came to a fight, Jaehyun wouldn't rest until he had fought by my side.

During the afternoon, Jaehyun met with me at a café where we discussed the case. I told him the truth about what happened while I was with Yunjin, and when I said the truth, I couldn't omit the part about our intimacy.

Jaehyun didn't seem pleased about that. He said that being intimate with Jen had complicated my position, and proving my innocence would be harder in court.

"So, whose side are you on?" he asked, taking a big bite of his powdered donut, dusting the white powder all over his upper lip, making it look like a white mustache.

I couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Did you remember something funny?" he asked skeptically.

I waved a hand, not going to tell him about the powdered sugar mustache. "It's nothing."

"Honestly, I'm not sure whose side I'm on. I lived with Yunjin for a few days, and she didn't seem like the person people think she is. She's dangerous, I have no doubts about that, but I don't think she killed anyone. She was quite vulnerable when she told me about her mother's death, and I believe her, Jaehyun. She cried in my arms that night, and I've never seen Jen like that. If she were truly a psychopath, she wouldn't have any feelings."

Jaehyun continued to look at me, measuring his words. "I've seen people like her all my life in this line of work, Chaewon. They tend to analyze people and strike when they see a weakness. From what I hear, Yunjin seems manipulative. She could have faked those tears to get your attention. Psychopaths think we're fools. They also think they're superior."

"I've worked with patients who had antisocial personality disorder, and Yunjin doesn't seem like that to me," I argued.

"And that's why she's higher on the spectrum. High-functioning psychopaths, intelligent and educated. They can become whatever they want, Chaewon. CEOs, doctors, lawyers, and that's why they deceive people easily."

I sighed.

What he said actually made sense, but I didn't want to admit it.

"I have to go to the station, and I dread it. Agent Nakamura won't leave a stone unturned to put me behind bars. She believes I helped Yunjin escape last time, which is true, but she also thinks the kidnapping was planned, which is not true."

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