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Yunjin, that's enough!" I shouted, but it was too late.

Felix's face was all bloody, and his eyes were blank, a tooth fallen to the ground.

Soobin, the Boy-Man, didn't seem to be bothered by this. He just gave us a look as if we were bothering Mister Panda and him in his television time.

I took Yunjin's arm and tried to drive her away, but her eyes spelled murder.

It was as if she was possessed.

Yunjin was too strong; she didn't even move when I tried to push her away.

I needed to go slowly in this situation, a wrong move, and I would probably end up looking like Yongbok.

"Yunjin," I called her. "You need to calm down. Yongbok is a bully; he's just playing with you."

Yunjin turned her furious eyes at me.

"Nobody talks about my mother like that!" She yelled at Yongbok.

It was funny how an unpleasant word about her mother had enraged her when she was the one who killed her in cold blood.

Maybe Yunjin had some serious mommy issues.

"I'll kill him!" She said with clenched teeth.

Just at that moment, Hyunjin was passing by and saw the disaster.

"Call Dr. Pham urgently!" I told him, and I turned to look at Yunjin.

"If you try to hurt him more than you have already done, they will put you on a straitjacket and take you to isolation. Do you want that?"

Other patients would be terrified of even thinking about the straitjacket and isolation, but in Yunjin's case, it didn't seem annoying.

"Didn't you want twenty-four hours outside the institution? Do you think you will achieve it with this behavior?"

That seemed to have achieved it because her breathing, which had been erratic a moment ago, began to calm down.

I put a hand on her shoulder, and I couldn't help but notice how the muscles flexed beneath my fingers.

A minute later, Yongbok was placed on a stretcher. He opened an eye and gave me a smile, his teeth stained with blood running down his chin. The stretcher moved away when Yongbok feigned a moan.

Then, everything just clicked in its place.

Yongbok's plan was to get Yunjin in trouble.

He knew about Yunjin's violent nature and her bad temper; he had taken advantage of it.

How crazy was Felix on a scale from one to ten?

I would say a hundred.

Some nurses and two security guards arrived, followed by Hanni, who seemed furious.

They held Yunjin as a prisoner and put a mask on her face.

Yunjin just looked impassive, and her features did not reflect any emotion. And just as I had told her, they put a straitjacket on her.

"Hanni, it's not her fault," I said. "Yongbok instigated the fight. He said some vile things about Yunjin," I explained. "I saw it myself."

"Does that explain her violent behavior? To attack people, break their jaws, bite their flesh," Hanni asked, clearly irritated.

I felt terrible for Hanni.

I already had enough work pressure on the part of Dr. Hwang, and it didn't help that Yunjin was always causing problems.

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