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I had a good night's sleep, and when I woke up, the sun was setting, signaling it was dinner time. The meal they brought in—white rice, overcooked veggies, and tough meat with a small amount of sauce—wasn't great. It made me feel even more down. It reminded me of the days when, working in a hospital, I served similar dinners to patients. I felt sorry for those I made eat these dull meals every day.

Trying to eat the evening food, I mechanically forced most of it down when Hanni came into the room. Her face showed genuine concern as she sat beside my bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better," I lied. The weight of my experiences made it hard to express how I really felt.

She nodded, understanding. "Antibiotics might make you sleepy, but they'll help with the pain."

A different kind of pain lingered in my heart, and I wondered if antibiotics could help with that too. "I hope so," I mumbled, playing with the pushed-around carrots on my plate.

Hanni's gaze on me had an unsettling amount of pity. I didn't want anyone's sympathy. I just wanted to be alone, spared from judgments, treated like a normal person.

Suddenly, she got up, closed the door, and came back. "Chaewon," Hanni spoke softly. "I've noticed you've been closed off since this morning. You seem different."

If anyone could read me well, it was Hanni.

Before I could respond, she kept talking. "During the week with Yunjin, what happened? If she kept you there against your will, and you..." she delicately referred to unsaid things. "Well, she put you in a tough spot, we get it. Don't blame yourself. Victims of rape and abuse often get unfairly blamed for the situations they find themselves in."

Her assumptions hit me hard, but I was too tired to correct her. Hanni went on with her understanding talk, but my mind was somewhere else.

It felt like no one wanted to understand me.

No one asked what really happened in that cabin. They let their imaginations go wild. Yes, Yunjin had a criminal record and a reputation as the most famous patient in the asylum, but if she wanted to hurt me, if she truly was behind those murders, I would be dead by now. Yet, the pity and misunderstandings stuck to me, making things unclear.

After spending more than a week with her, I knew Yunjin couldn't be the killer.

"Chaewon, are you listening?" Hanni's voice brought me back.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

She sighed, covering my hand. "If Yunjin raped you, and that's the reason why you've been so depressed, talk to me. I'll help you, Chaewon."

"She didn't rape or hurt me, Hanni. I already told you before."

Hanni didn't seem to believe me. Her thumb traced over my clenched fist. "She threatened you, right?"

I looked at her in disbelief.

How did she jump to these conclusions when I hadn't said a word?

"She threatened to kill you if you told us anything. But you need to be calm; now you're safe. Yunjin can't hurt you here. There are police outside. No one can come in or out without going through them," she assured me. "You can tell us the truth. What happened when Yunjin kidnapped you?"

"Nothing," I said calmly. "She gave me a room, there were a lot of clothes in the closet, a flat screen, food, and everything you need for a short vacation."

Hanni looked at me like I spoke in Chinese. "I'm not in the mood for jokes, and sarcasm isn't appreciated."

I laughed. "I'm serious. What did you expect me to say? That she tied me in a dark basement? Or that she used my body to satisfy her sexual needs by keeping me locked in that basement?" When Hanni didn't answer, I continued. "You know Yunjin doesn't need lessons in seduction. She can have anyone she wants; she doesn't need to tie them up."

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