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Detective Wonyoung took me to a room that was now set up with a lot of equipment, and many people in the room were being interrogated; others were checking files and papers and writing on their MacBooks. A young officer looked up from his laptop at me and again at the screen.

"Please take a seat, Miss Kim," Detective Wonyoung pointed to the chair as she settled in the chair in front of her. She had a notepad and a pen on her lap. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine, detective. Thank you for asking."

"I have some questions, so let's get this over with," she said. "How was Yongbok's behavior in general?"

"He liked to fight with the other patients. He harassed most of the staff. I don't think anyone here misses him in the slightest." I told the truth.

Just because Felix was dead didn't mean we felt sorry for him. He got what he deserved.

Detective Wonyoung nodded, scribbling something in her notebook. "When she fought with Huh Yunjin, you were a witness. Is it correct?"

"Yes," I answered. "I saw how Yongbok made fun of Yunjin's mother, which made her furious."

I felt momentarily disturbed by her scribbles, so I stopped talking. She looked up from her notepad. "Please continue."

"Yunjin hit Yongbok on the ground, and he was bleeding," I said.

"And then?" she pressed.

"She was taken to the isolation room, where she stayed for about four or five days while Yongbok was receiving treatment for injuries," I informed her. "Honestly, I don't think it was Yunjin's fault. Yongbok liked to mess with Yunjin at every chance he got."

"So you think killing Yongbok was a great option?" she asked, surprising me.

"Of course not," I said. "But is Yunjin responsible for this?"

"We are not sure, but the investigation is underway. We will take her into custody as soon as we have information." She pushed a Manila file towards me. "These are some of the murders that occurred a year ago, and supposedly, Yunjin is responsible for them, although there is no evidence. If it's Yunjin who committed those murders, she's smart enough to leave no trace."

I quickly scanned the top of the file and instantly regretted opening it.

On the first page, there was a photo of a woman. Her arms were not at the right angle, but when I looked closely, her right hand was attached to the left arm, and her left hand was attached to the right, sewn together. Her eyes were hollow; the eyeballs were carefully placed on her extended palm. The body looked like a Barbie doll with whom she played badly.

Another image showed a man crucified against the wall; his eyes, as always, were the same: empty and hollow.

Wonyoung turned more pages and pointed to another photo where the same woman was lying upside down with bite marks on her back.

I shuddered. "Isn't this confidential?"

Wonyoung waved her hand. "This is in all the news and the internet. It is no longer confidential information."

"I see"

"Since Yunjin is under your care, I want you to check on her behavior and let us know if she says or does something out of the ordinary. Any valuable information can help us because we are sure she is the culprit."

The problem was that Yunjin was never normal.


Yunjin was sitting in a hospital room. A blood pressure bracelet was wrapped around her arm to record her pulse, along with rubber tubes placed on her abdomen and on her chest to check her breathing rate and, finally, two metal plates attached to her fingers to check if she was sweating due to nervousness.

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