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I love the witch's suit," Yunjin said out loud. "You look very sexy."

"What are you doing here, Yunjin?" I practically shouted over the loud music, now that I recognized her beneath all that skeletal makeup.

"I'm following you, of course," she joked.

Her nonchalant tone made me suspicious—did she really follow me here? How did she know where I was?

"You need to go back to the hospital and admit yourself again," I insisted.

"Do you miss me so much?" She gave me an arrogant smile. "I love it when you're bossy."

I rolled my eyes.

She took my wrist and began dragging me away from the dance floor.

"Where are you trying to take me?" I resisted her grip on my wrist.

She let me go immediately. "I just want to talk, nothing more. The music is too loud here; let's go to the terrace."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You're stupid if you think I'm going somewhere with you."

The DJ changed the song to a slower one, Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran.

Yunjin smiled. "It seems that the DJ can read my mind." She slid her arm around my waist and pulled me against her chest, bringing her mouth closer to my ear. "Dance with me."

Reluctantly, my body moved along with hers in a slow dance.

It was just a dance, nothing more.

I wouldn't risk anything in public.

Unless I was desperate to go to jail again?

I didn't even carry a gun with me.

I felt her nose buried in my hair, and my head fit perfectly into the crook of her neck.

Her scent was different, not like hospital soap or detergent.

It was unexpectedly pleasing.

I allowed myself to move with the slow beats, questioning if my body had lost all sense of logic.

I attempted to pull away, but her grip tightened at my waist. "A little more, Chae, please." Her voice was hoarse and smooth as silk.

If the devil were human, Yunjin would embody it.

I considered her words for a moment.

"Is Dr. Pham truly upset at the thought of her favorite nurse dancing with the enemy?"

I chuckled. "You really don't have any clue."

"Well, I can only imagine," she replied.

A ball of rage built inside me, ready to burst forth.

I struggled to free myself from her grip. "Let me go!" I released a frustrated scream, drowned out by the music, but Yunjin still heard me.

To the onlookers, we might have seemed like a couple having a minor disagreement.

That only encouraged Yunjin to sink her fingers deeper into my waist, possessively.

"Oh!" I put my palms on her chest and tried to get away from her, but she didn't move.

She wore that smug smile once again, and her eyes glinted with an unidentifiable emotion. "Fight with me, honey. Fight with me as much as you'd like."

"You threatened to kill my brother. I almost lost my job for you! Hanni doesn't even look at me now," I said with my teeth clenched. "It's your fault, Yunjin!" then the tears began to fall without me noticing.

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