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"It's good to see you again, Nurse Chaewon" Yunjin teased me.

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same about you," I replied.

The last time I saw her in the office, she was wearing Hong Eunchae's white coat, but now she was wearing the blue uniform of the patients. Two upper buttons of her uniform were open, the sleeves bent up to her elbows, making all the tattoos that ran along her arm visible.

I was so far away that I couldn't say what the tattoos were about and that made me curious.

Yunjin chuckled a muffled noise, the kind of disguised laughter that was better suited to an office than to a mental asylum.

When looking at her, no one would think she was crazy, but that was the truth.

She was a fucking psychopath.

What is even more terrifying is that she seemed to be the kind of person who could easily mix with normal people if they didn't know about the demons she had as friends.

"Come on, don't be like that. We still have that coffee date you were talking about" She gave me that crooked smile, obviously mocking me. "Shall I pick you up at seven?"

I folded my arms over my chest and stared at her.

I was no longer in the mood for jokes, not after what she did last time.

"I thought yesterday was reason enough for you to stop working as a nurse. What made you stay?"

I placed the food tray on the table next to her chair and quickly backed up, keeping a safe distance.

She continued. "Do I scare you, Chaewon?"

The way she said my name gave me chills.

"You wish," I said.

She laughed, like the crazy woman she was. "So, why are you so far away? Come a little closer"

"Thank you, but I'm fine. I don't think I want you to bite and rip my skin off" I said.

"Are you sure about that?" she asked, with her eyebrow raised. "There are fan clubs all over the world dedicated to me. The women who are part of that fan club want me to undress them, among other things..."

"And am I supposed to be impressed?" I asked.

She smiled again. "Well, isn't it? Not every day you meet a girl who can be sexy and have the guts to cut heads without vomiting"

"I would say that people who are disgusted to see that are actually normal, while you are clearly the opposite," I said.

Yunjin laughed again. "Psychopaths are quite normal" then she added. "Sometimes"

"A psychopath can be a loyal and loving wife, a good mother, and everything you dream of. Just don't go into her basement" I sighed. "I guess I forgot to add that they are also pathological liars and lack empathy"

I noticed that her jaw was tense and her dark brown eyes were looking at me.

I couldn't say what she was thinking from her expressions, but I'm sure I knew I had said the right thing to silence her.

And why exactly was I finding pleasure in leaving her speechless?

Just when I thought that things had taken the wrong turn, her expression softened.

I decided to annoy her more. "So, what kind of psychopath are you? Hannibal Lecter or Patrick Bateman?"

"None," she said. "I'm more like Dexter Morgan"

"Dexter Morgan didn't bite people" I answered

"I forgot to add the part that I can be a little more harmful"

I couldn't help laughing. "If you weren't so crazy, I'd say you're interesting"

Her eyes continued to look at me as if she could look inside my soul and read all my thoughts. And then she asked me the question I least expected. "Do you have a boyfriend, nurse Chaewon?"

"Yes," I lied, quite surprised by my ability to lie so easily.

"Who is the pathological liar now?" she asked.

Hanni was right.

Yunjin was intelligent, manipulative, and someone I shouldn't even talk to.

"Even if I don't have a boyfriend, it's none of your business"

Yunjin smiled. "I'm starving. What do you have there?" she asked, pretending to take a look at the tray.

"Well, it's not human flesh if that's what you were expecting," I said.

I didn't show any signs of knowing that she was fuming inside and dying to kill me.

Well, she deserved a little sarcasm and mockery after the many problems she had caused me.

Yunjin simply smiled at me, as if I had congratulated her. "You must be psychic!" she exclaimed.

I was disappointed that the insult didn't affect her.

I removed the lid from the food tray and placed it in front of her.

It was the usual thing. Mashed potatoes and sauce with a little salad.

I instantly felt bad for her.

The hospital had to make variations with the menu, and not serve the same thing three times a week.

I placed things on her table carefully and also made her bed when I realized that I was under the hawk's eye.

After that, I decided it was time for what I feared the most.

I approached her and for some unknown reason, my heart began to pump strongly through my chest.

Never before had I felt so nervous while taking care of a patient and, nevertheless, I realized that I was shaking.

Perhaps it was because of what happened with Dr. Eunchae, and I feared it could happen to me as well.

Yunjin's eyes were on me, observing each of my movements as I unbuttoned the straps on her wrists.

As if I had a premonition of what was going to happen, I backed away, but not fast enough because Yunjin was right behind me.

I opened the door to run away, but she closed it while I was still trapped in her arms.

I turned to look at her and realized how tall she really was.

I was shaking and Yunjin liked it, her smile said it all.

If I had never experienced fear, well, now yes.

My decision to stay strong seemed to have slipped into oblivion.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked.

Her body pressed against me and her face approached mine.

She whispered. "Well, that's the question I'm asking myself. What will I do with you, nurse Chaewon?"

"No, Yunjin... Please!"

Her wolfish smile came back.


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