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Madam Kang?" I quipped, giving Yunjin a sideways glance.

"That's what popped into my head at the time," she replied, placing both my bag and herself on the carpeted floor. "And I figured Mrs. Huh would be too obvious if the guy had seen the news."

I swung the bathroom door open, surprised to find it clean—an unexpected contrast to the motel's horror-movie appearance.

As I moved to sit on the bed, Yunjin halted me with a sharp "Wait!"

She stripped off the sheet and scrutinized the mattress. Satisfied with her inspection, she offered a slow smile. "Insects. You never know what kind of creatures lurk in places like these."

I snorted in agreement.

Reality dawned on me.

There was only one queen bed in the room.

Suddenly, a nervous flutter settled in my stomach at the thought of sharing a single bed.

My heart raced, reminiscent of high school when the teacher asked me to sit next to the boy I liked.

Yunjin eyed me suspiciously, as if she could read my thoughts. "I'll take the couch. You can have the bed."

"No! You can share the bed with me." The words spilled out hurriedly, perhaps a tad too desperate.

Yunjin's gaze held mine, unyielding.

"I promised we'd keep our distance, and sharing a bed doesn't seem like a great idea," she remarked, her tone resolute.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "You've got plenty of hours of driving ahead, so you need a good rest before taking the wheel again. We can keep it simple: one night, you stay on your side, and I'll stay on mine."

Her serious expression transformed into a mocking smile. "Are you sure, Nurse Chaewon? I'm not exactly the prim and proper type. Can you trust me to stick by my side? Are you up for the risk?"

It felt like pondering whether to board the most thrilling and terrifying roller coaster in the amusement park.

Without fully understanding what possessed me, I replied, "Yes."

"If you're agreeing to share a bed with me, Chae, then I might have to throw that whole 'keeping our distance' rule out the window."

I nodded. "That's okay."

She removed her wig and contact lenses. "Alright, then," she said, gesturing toward the shower. "Mind if I go first?"

"No problem," I replied.

The sound of the shower filled the room as I settled into bed. The heavy rain outside seemed relentless, echoing the rhythm of the water falling.

Initially hesitant about staying with Yunjin, the days passing by slowly drew me into the comfort of her world. Waking up on my terms, cooking our favorite meals, and enjoying each other's company without the burden of work or worries—it almost felt...

Like we were a married couple.

Yet, guilt nags at me for yearning for this life—with her.

Who was I betraying?

I couldn't fathom a happy life with a criminal—a notorious serial killer.

Deep down, I knew it wasn't her, but a small voice insisted that Yunjin might be the killer.

What if Hanni was right? What if Yunjin was indeed a master manipulator? If that were the case, Yunjin's facade as a charming woman, playing her cards well, could hide a darker truth—a psychopath skilled at getting people to dance to her tune while maintaining an innocent facade. Inside, she might be mocking us for our naivety and blindness, concealing the true nature of the woman she was.

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