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Hanni rubbed her forehead in frustration. "I wish I could say it's not a big problem, Chaewon, but I can't. Yunjin is somewhere, only God knows where. She tricked you into thinking she was Hong Eunchae."

"I know. It was too convincing, Hanni. If you were in my place, you would probably also have mistaken her for a doctor. Please trust me" I begged her.

This time the tears ran down my face without me noticing.

A psychopathic patient came out due to my mistake.

I could lose my job, or worse, someone could get hurt.

"Eunchae wants you out of this wing," she said, passing me a bunch of tissues.

"I understand," I exclaimed.

Hyunjin, the security guy ran into the room. The short and shy boy seemed agitated.

"What's up, Hyunjin?" Hanni asked.

"You're not going to like this, doctor," he said and without waiting, he added. "We received news that a white Nissan was hidden in the forest a few kilometers from the hospital. Someone broke into a nearby apartment and the man was found unconscious on the floor with..

"Bite marks?" Hanni finished for him.

Hyunjin swallowed.

I was terrified of even talking about it.

"A piece of meat appears to be missing from the shoulder area"

Hanni sighed. "Yunjin"

"Oh my God!" That's all I said and the only thing I remember is that my head was spinning and someone was screaming for help.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was still in Hanni's office.

I was lying in the check-up bed for the patients.

I sat up straight and from the thin curtains I could see Hanni and Eunchae talking to each other.

My brain was still taking time to process what had happened so far.

The real Eunchae, with big eyes and chubby cheeks, was talking to Hanni.

She caught me looking at her and gave me a look, which was full of disdain and I didn't blame the girl.

If a lunatic tied me to the bed and if the nurse refused to recognize me, I would be angry too.

"How do you feel?" Hanni asked me.

It's still so nice and sweet despite how I had fucked her up. "Do you want some water?"

I nodded. "How long has it been?"

"It's about an hour," she replied, opening the mini fridge and giving me a small bottle of water.

"Is that man... dead?" I asked, failing to keep fear out of my voice.

She snatched the bottle from my hands and unscrewed the lid, that's when I realized that my hands were shaking.

"They have rushed him to the hospital," Hanni said

"The good news is that they were able to catch Yunjin"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Does that mean they're bringing her back here?"

"Yes. They're already on their way" Hanni smiled. "Don't worry. Mistakes can occur, especially when it comes to a crazy woman like Yunjin. Eunchae also told me that when you thought she was Yunjin, and you entered the room, you took her mouthpiece, is it true?"

"I did, but that was only because I came to give her lunch. You don't expect a patient to eat with that, do you?" that was aimed at Eunchae, who had her hands crossed in front of her chest, looking bored.

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