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I couldn't stop the sobs that raked my chest.

Why did this have to happen to me?

It was incredibly difficult to bear the accusing look from Hanni. Her expression of disgust and disapproval left me feeling devastated and ashamed. It was especially hard to take because she had been not only my superior but also my friend, and I had admired her greatly.

She trusted me, but a shadow of doubt lingered, making me question if I could betray her trust.

I took out the tissues and wiped my nose furiously, still crying.

If I saw Yunjin in front of me right now, I would kill her with my own hands.

A sound caught my attention a few cubicles away from mine.

When I entered the bathroom, I hadn't paid enough attention to notice if someone else was using the other toilets. I assumed it was evident that no one would be here.

Just so you know, I accidentally entered the women's restroom, part of the old wing situated near the new wing but separated from the rest of the hospital by a corridor and a staircase going down. Currently, the hospital has abandoned this entire wing, and it's mostly only used by the staff occasionally.

No one came here.

So when I heard another sound, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.

If anyone else were there, they would have heard me cry. And if they had heard me cry, I would have to come up with an excuse to explain why I was crying.

Cautiously, I opened the door and noticed no one in the bathroom.

I stood by the sink, turned on the faucet, and splashed some water on my face.

When I finished, I exited the bathroom.

The long corridor stretched out in front of me.

Dark and deserted.

As I walked through it before isolating myself in the cubicle, I hadn't thought much about it because I was hurt and my mind was preoccupied.

Now that my head was clear, fear crept in as I approached the passageway. The lights above went out, and I knew it didn't mean anything, but I couldn't help but imagine all the scenes from a horror movie.

I took two steps and then ran.

Turning a corner, I stumbled upon something and fell to the ground.

It was Nurse Dayeon.

Her lifeless body lay on the ground at a twisted angle, her eyes empty and vacant.

She wasn't alive.

She was dead.

I got up, sprinted down the hallway, and fled from the abandoned wing.

I was scared and trembling when I arrived at Hanni's office. I didn't even knock on the door when I entered the room.

Hanni looked up from her papers. "You've been losing your mind. I guess you're also losing some manners." I ignored the comment. "Hanni, the... the abandoned wing," I stuttered.

My whole body was shaking.

"What's going on? Why are you acting as if you saw a ghost?"

"Nurse Dayeon. Dayeon, I saw her lying on the floor. She was dead," I said.

Hanni jumped out of her chair. "What?"

"I saw it!" I insisted.

Hanni followed me outside and towards the abandoned wing.

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