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When I got to work the next morning, I saw police cars and a wide yellow tape around the area. Media vans and television reporters filled the premises.

What the hell happened here?

The sun radiated too harshly.

I looked for my sunglasses and put them on, that way, no one would find out who I was looking at.

I looked up at the window and saw Yunjin staring, smiling, and waving at me.

I didn't bother to say hello back.

She was back in her old room.

I slowly approached the entrance.

Eunchae seemed stressed and talked to a policeman who was writing something in a notebook while his partner was drinking a coffee with milk.

I entered the hospital and found nurses being interrogated. I took the stairs since the elevator was crowded.

I went up, two at a time, when Hyunjin almost crashed into me on the third level. He grabbed my two shoulders as if it prevented me from walking more.

His face looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"I think it's better to turn around and go out."

"What happened?" I asked.

Hyunjin let me go as I walked further.

The photographers were flashing their cameras intensely.

I saw Hanni talking to the officers. Her forehead wrinkled in a line of concern.

I felt bad for her; it seemed that Hanni could barely rest, which was one reason why she never went out normally like other women.

Just at that moment, her eyes narrowed on me, and relief crossed her face.

I walked further towards them and put my hand on Hanni's shoulder. "What's going on?"

She didn't respond and just kept staring at the people around us. It was strange for Hanni to be so upset.

"That room? What's there? Why are the police here?" I asked her.

"Chaewon, don't do it." She called me but it was too late.

I moved away, walking toward the room, and I knew that the scene before my eyes would haunt me from this day on.

It was a body hanging from the ceiling by a rope. The hands of the body remained on the sides, hanging in the air. His eyes were completely pulled out, making him two black holes. Even without the eyes, I could still recognize that face.


There was no blood on the floor or carpet.

Not a drop, which made it difficult for forensics to gather evidence.

I remembered Felix, the frown with which he was always around.

He's gone.

The room began to spin before my eyes.

The forensic team was doing their job, taking samples, writing notes, and chatting casually as if they were not standing next to a horrible scene.

I guess this was like any other typical job for them.

My eyes then landed on the wall behind him that was stained with blood.

When I looked closely, I realized it wasn't just random blood.

Some letters said something.

Let's start the game :)

"Miss, step aside. This is a crime scene."

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