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I felt drowsy, and every part of my body ached. Slowly, I opened my eyes to find myself in unfamiliar surroundings.

It took me a while to realize where I was, until the smell of disinfectant and medicine permeated the air. The walls were painted a soothing baby blue, and I noticed I had an IV line attached. I was dressed in a hospital gown.

Only then did I realize that I had been injured too. Flashes of the accident played in my mind.

We made it through the crash, and I mostly got away with minor injuries because Yunjin protected me with her own body when the accident happened.

"Chae," Yunjin's voice echoed in my mind.

"Yunjin, you're hurt. We need to get you to the hospital right away!" Panic filled my words as I hurried to the car, now stuck against a tree. My instincts took over, and I grabbed the first aid kit and a shirt from my bag.

With the things I had, I did my best to clean and stop the bleeding from Yunjin's wound. I'm a nurse, so I know the basics of taking care of injuries, but it was clear she needed a real doctor. The torn cloth tightly wrapped around her injury was just a temporary fix.

"You really need to see a doctor," I said urgently, cleaning the blood that was coming through Yunjin's denim. "You're losing blood. Oh God!"

"Listen, love. Take this phone and call Jang Jungwon..." Yunjin spoke urgently, holding her bleeding leg. "You'll say 'Jen & the Morrigan.' If he answers with 'The dark Huh fae,' then tell him our address and ask him to come as soon as possible."

"Yunjin! Are you even listening to yourself? You could die here waiting for this person. We have to take you to a doctor."

"Jungwon is a doctor! He's the only person I trust!" Yunjin insisted, showing the same determination despite her injury. "Besides, if I go to a hospital, they will arrest me, and I can't take that risk." She pointed towards the forest. "Take me there."

Helping her up, I led Yunjin to the forest, with drops of blood marking our path. Once we found a suitable spot, she leaned against a tree, and I noticed another wound near her waist.

"It's not too late. Let me call an ambulance," I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes.

Yunjin's once lively face now held a serious expression, as if she struggled to stay conscious. Her brown eyes, like topaz in the sunlight, locked onto mine. "Chaewon, you're hurt too. Sometimes you need to put yourself before others. Now is the time."

I stared at her in disbelief. Was she joking?

"I can't leave you here alone. You're crazy if you think I would do that," I said, unable to hide the anger in my voice.

"Call Jungwon right now. Please," Yunjin's voice was barely audible.

I hurried back to the car and, in a matter of minutes, found the phone.

Dialing the number, I anxiously waited as the line rang, each second feeling like a countdown. A man finally answered the call.

"Jen & the Morrigan," I said, feeling relief when he responded with, "The dark Huh fae."

"This is urgent. We had an accident, and she needs help from a doctor. Can you come here as soon as you can? The address is..."

Yunjin's eyes were fluttering, about to close.

I gently tapped her cheeks, telling her to stay awake. "Please, stay with me..."

She opened her eyes just enough to look at me, raising her bloody hand to touch my cheek. "You must go, Chae."

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