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Why did you bring me to your house?" I said, giving her a hard look.

"As I already mentioned, I did it to protect you," Yunjin stated matter-of-factly.

"By drugging me and kidnapping me?!" I yelled at her, feeling the urge to throw something at her—a brick or a stone would be enough.

Her eyes didn't waver as she maintained eye contact, those piercing brown eyes.

With authority, she shut down any further discussion. "I did what I thought was best. I trust you need to use the bathroom," she pointed to a door on the right. "I went out and bought you some clothes that you can wear during your stay here. There's enough food in the fridge, and the kitchen is all yours."

"Oh, how kind, Mrs. Huh," I said sarcastically, feigning gratitude. "What a good hostess, drugging me, kidnapping me, and buying clothes so that my stay here is comfortable. How could I thank you for your kindness?"

Yunjin chuckled. "Sleep in my bed, tend to my needs, cook for me like the sweetheart you are, and consider the generosity rewarded," she winked and effortlessly dodged the pillow I had thrown at her.

"You have to work on that aim, precise. If it's a knife instead of a pillow, it has to go through me, not fly over me." Laughing, she fixed her jacket, ran her hand through her already perfect dark hair, and began to walk.

"I want to go home."

Ignoring my protests completely, she continued. "Since I don't have a personal butler, we will have to take care of the kitchen. I, for my part, can survive with peanut butter and jelly for days and days, unless you, my dear Chaew, can prepare something and make us both happy."

She wasn't listening to a word I was saying.

I yelled at her, "I want to go home, and if I can't, I'll find a way. Kkura and Beom are going to start looking for me."

Yunjin gave me her arrogant smile, one that conveyed that no amount of threats would work against her. She was a woman who had overcome asylum security and the police. "I already took care of that."

"Where in the world is my phone?" I realized.

Could it be that Yunjin sent fake text messages through my phone, informing Jen and Beom about me? Some excuse that would be good enough for them not to worry about me.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I leaned back. "Do I at least have the freedom to ask you where you are going?"

"I have some matters to attend to."

"Harass people to get information from them?"

Yunjin laughed. "Close."

The previous sense of enjoyment had vanished. "I won't be gone for long, and just so you know, there's no possible way out here because I know you're going to start looking for one the moment I leave. It would be better for you to stay inside the cabin. If someone knocks on the door, don't open it. Nobody is trustworthy."

I snorted. "It's funny coming from someone like you."

"If you play well, Chae, I'll play well. If you want to play dirty, well, I can show you how dirty it can get," she promised. "Be a good girl while I'm gone."

"What will you do to me? Bite me? And cook me for dinner?"

Yunjin still had that unnerving smile, seemingly reveling in my discomfort. "As much as the prospect of eating you is tempting, I wouldn't do that. I didn't make such an effort to get you here just to have your parts marinated and preserved in a freezer. I have you here because I want to keep you safe."

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