———————Alastor POV———————Today was the day y/n was making her way to cannibal town to meet up with Rosie. Since the ball, her and I have been exchanging a couple of letters. Talking about it the hotel, how her robotic parts work, and even about my podcast. She requests that on occasion to switch it up make certain screams louder than the others. I never knew a princess would take such interest in a lower level demons entertainment.
"Alastor, are you joining todays bonding exercise" Charlie asked me, a gleam of happiness in her eyes
"I'm sorry dear, I have an outing today already planned" I smiled at her, preparing my exit for the day
"Alsstor come on. You've yet to join any of my stuff for the hotel"
"Alastor, you need to do your job" Vaggie glared
"My darling, you know I'm just the manager to help people climb their way to the top, not a guest in the hotel. Besides you planned this yesterday, I've had plans for my outting since the party"
"Where are you even going then"
"Why it's none of your business but if you must know, cannibal town. I'm meeting up with princess y/n and Rosie for a little lunch then escorting the princess to the hotel!"
"Oh no I forgot she was coming. ALRIGHT we need to make sure this place is in tip top shape for y/ns arrival. She has a lot of presence in hell. If I can get her to like the hotel, it could give us more positive reviews" Charlie grab vaggies shoulders "we need to get this done!"
Vaggie just gave a glare to Alastor before heading off to help get a room cleaned up with nifty.
"It makes sense miss creepy and mister creepy become friends" Angel cackled "sadistic match made in hell if ya ask me"
I made my exit and off to cannibal town. Streets always stay clear for me even if pride is overpopulated. In cannibal town though, everyone greets me with a smile. This place is always very nice. Cannibal town reminds us of simplistic times before all the technology came into the world. Walking up the stairs to Rosie's house, I notice a young woman dressed similar to my friend but in black. She is sitting in one of the outdoor tables enjoy a cup of tea
"Alastor good to see you again" she smiled at me. Ah yes the princess.
"Quite a pleasure to see you as well. Where is Rosie and your right hand man?"
"Oh Charles? He is actually being taken on a walk at the moment around the town. Rosie insists on giving him a tour everytime he joins me." She laughs "she has her little crush available at her disposal"
I took a seat across from her
"No thank you darling so what is the plan today?"
"Rosie and I will be going dress shopping. Then we will stop by the meat packing factory to see how the sales are doing over there for my spare parts and you may guide me to this hotel Charlie owns."
"Well id be honored fo join you both" great I'm going to deal with two women doing their normal things. At least there will be Charles. I think I would need a little man on man time. Not like what Angel believes man on man time is.
"So your shadows like to scatter around I can tell"
"Hmm oh yes. They love to take a look around for me so I don't always have to pay attention to my surroundings"
"Interesting. Do they collect souls for you as well?"
"Unfortunately not. I haven't exactly taught them that. They are more like little snitches for me. Making sure none of my little pets intent on stabbing me in the back"

Wrath alastor x reader
FanficY/n is a princess from the wrath ring. A ball she requested Charlie and her friends to come to, leads to y/n checking out the hazbin hotel to help out her dear cousin with her ridiculous endeavors to help sinners make their way into heaven. She happ...