A bunch of idiots. I stg

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The next morning y/n woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. Despite the fact yesterday was spent drinking all day.

"I don't know how Angel and cherry can do it." She thought, standing up. She placed on a simple knee length black dress with white lace around the seams. Black flats, with white gloves that had two black dots in the middle. She placed a white ribbon in hair and walked out the door. She made her way downstairs.

Charlie smiled "good morning y/n you're here for todays bonding exercise!"

Y/n blinked twice and sighed. She really did not like these exercises but she only did it for Charlie. Vaggie, Angel, husk, nifty, and Charles were all sitting in the lobby.

"Lookin good doll" Angel smirked

Y/n blushed slightly "thank you. Today I'm attending a little brunch. Theme is black and white"

"Yes but you have to do this first!" Charlie gleamed

"Actually I would love to but I have to go." She grabbed Charlie's hands and bowed "I apologize, please forgive me" y/n ran out the door.


Vaggie and Charlie went off to get some decorations for a party to celebrate y/ns birthday coming up in a few weeks.

Cherri bomb came busting into the hotel "angellllll I got some great news"

Alastor, Angel, and husk just looked into direction of the red hair fiery British demon.

She pulled out a pink looking crystal

"Is that?" Angel spoke in awe

"An asmodeous crystal!" She laughed "stole it off some dude I was fucking. I thought we could have a little adventure today"

"How are we gonna do that? We have no human disguises" husk said out loud

"That's true hmm" Cherri bomb sat on the couch in the lobby thinking

"I have an idea my good friends" Alastors smile became more sinister.

They all looked at him a little more creeped out

"Relax darlings. I just want to join" Alastor gripped his cane "or you can just keep sitting around with that crystal there"

"Fine. But we are there to party not go to some bookstore" Cherri laughed

"I understand." Alastor grinned "my old stomping grounds. New Orleans. It's carnival season. Everyone from around the world travel there to dress up in costumes and dance around"

They all looked at each other and then back to Alastor.

"Oh hell yeah. A whole town that just spends time getting fucked up" Cherri handed over the crystal Alastor "here tall dark and creepy. Let's get this started"

Alastor thought of New Orleans which led to a portal opening in the hotel. All 4 demons stepped into the portal and they ended up in some abandoned building in the French quarter.

"Ah interesting" Alastor tilted his head "I know this place."

The other 3 demons looked around

"Looks like this place was abandoned years ago. Is this some kinda of joke?" Angel said to the red bean pole

"No no. I'm pretty sure this just brought us to an area we wouldn't be caught."

Cherri looked out the window "yo check this out"

They all looked out the window, there was 100s of people dressed up in crazy costumes. They were walking around, dancing, partying, drinking.

"This is Mardi Gras. A tradition down here. I say we split our ways meet back in 6 hours. We'll be back in hell before Charlie gets home" Alastor grinned.

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