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Kumudavalli lived in a small town, her farm animals were her best friends and her parents, her entire world. Studying felt like a chore to her, but she knew she had to study to do something worthwhile for her future. She felt something nuzzled into her leg, and looked down to find the month old calf stuck to her.

"Hello!" She cooed, patting the head. She was busy cleaning the empty space outside her home.

"Kumud, eh Kumud!" Her mother yelled out her name from inside.

"Ah!" She called back in response.

"Wet the ground. It's almost evening now." She said loudly.

"Okay amma!" She said she went to grab the bucket and water. Just then, their main gate opened up and she smiled wide, anticipating her father's return.

"Nana!" She grinned, seeing his figure emerge through the gate. He was dressed as usual in a shirt and a pancha.

"Amma Kumud..." He responds, softly. She was just about to respond, when another man walked into their home.

"Ayya!" Kumud gasped, wrapping the cloth of her half saree around her shoulders. Her eyes were wide and she put her hands together to greet the older man.

Srirama Raja Veera Reddy, the sarpanch was with his father. She scurried into the house to clear any mess before they made it into their home.

"What happened?" Her mother questioned in confusion as Kumud placed the cushions neatly on the couch.

"Nana is here and he brought ayya with him." She said in a hurry.

"Oh!" Her mother gasped and rushed off into the kitchen to make some hot tea for their sarpanch.

They walked into the house only a few minutes later. She stood to the side, her eyes were cast down and her voni (dupatta) covered her shoulders.

"Namaskaram ayya..." She said softly, putting her hands together. She grew up like this, she was taught to respect the elderly with everything she had in her. She bent over and touched both of his feet with the utmost resort. Ayya smiled at her manners.

"Namaskaram Kumud!" He chuckled. She looked up at him and her lips tilted up into a smile.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked in a small voice.

"You have grown up so much. When you were younger... You used to be so naughty. Look at you now, being so kind and respectful." Ayya smiled fondly at the girl who was like his own daughter. Her face turned red, remembering all of her mischief that her elders were subjected to. She had at least thrown 6 water balloons on the man who ran the village as a child.

"She is still the same, Ayya. But more responsibility has burdened her now." Her father chuckled, pinching his dear daughter's cheek.

"Nana!" She giggled, and then closed her mouth quickly, biting her tongue.

"Please sit. Amma is bringing coffee." Kumudavalli said, still standing to the side.

"You go and take care of the animals, Kumud. Amma and I have to speak to ayyagaru." He said. She nodded with no question and walked out, closing the door behind her. But she was curious, she wondered what they would talk about. What they needed to speak about that was so important, that ayyagaru himself had come to their home. She sighed, sitting down on the front porch of her home. Her little Buddi waddled up to her, a new born goat baby.

"Buddi!" She cooed, picking it up into her arms. There were many goats there, but this beautiful white baby, with her pink nose and big eyes had taken over her heart. She kissed it's head and rubbed his soft back, wondering what was going on inside.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now