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Valli stared at the humongous airport

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Valli stared at the humongous airport. She had not expected the place to be like this. It was grand and beautiful and had so many people. Atharva was taking out his bags and Ram was sorting out both their tickets, boarding passes and IDs. Valli stood to the side, not wanting to get in the way. There was another woman, Ishika, she had heard her name going with them. Valli bit down on her lip and looked at Atharva who wore a backpack and was holding a suitcase handle.

"I think we have everything." Ishika said out loud. She looked to be around their age, she was beautiful and looked very smart.

"Right. Yes." Atharva nodded, pushing his phone into his pocket.

"Valli ma..." He said sweetly, leaving the suitcase in it's spot and took a few steps towards her. She smiled up at him, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

"Go home safe and message me when you reach." He said, taking her into his arms. She blushed, not being used to showing affection in front of so many people. But she needed to say bye to him.

Her arms wrapped around his waist.

"You too. Call me when you reach. And keep calling me and Ayyagaru." She said, pressing a kiss to his chest.

"Of course, bomma. I'll see you soon, okay?" He kissed her forehead before pulling away. She nodded, biting down on her lip. He pulled keys out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"This is to the apartment. If you need it or if something happens while I'm gone. And this is my credit card, in case you need it." He said.

"No! Why would I need your card?" She frowned.

"Keep it with you, baby. To be on the safe side. And the driver will stay in the village with the car. If anything happens, don't think twice before using the car or the card. And you can use the fuck out of it if you want to buy yourself something too." He said, pressing another kiss to her cheek. She nodded, grabbing them both. She held his forearms, got up onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"I love you. Please be careful." She whispered.

"Always bomma. I love you." He whispered back, affectionately caressing her hair.

"Bye Ramanna. Take care of yourself and each other." Valli smiled at the man who watched them with a very sweet smile on his face.

"Bye Valli papa." He pulled her into a hug.

"Vadina! Call me vadina!" She whined.

"Fine! Bye Vadina! Take care!" He snorted, laughing. She patted his back and pulled away.

"Bye my love." Atharva repeated and kissed her head.

"Get into the car. Go now." He said, opening the backdoor for her. She got in and waved at them, giving Ishika a smile, who smiled back politely at her. He waited and watched till the car was out of sight after she got in. She waved at them both while the car drove off, and she pulled her head back inside and sighed. Her heart was heavy. He would be gone all well, she couldn't even see him after or before college if she wanted to. And he wasn't going to come to the village.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now