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Hi guys. Sorry for the extteemeeeee delay. I had the worse week at work. So much was going on. Lots of shit. And then I have some things to do till next month so I've been busy with that. Updated will be less frequent. Also, writing smut is a challenge man - my imagination isn't the strongest lmaoooooooo! But I'm trying. It's a art lol

Comment and tell me how it was!


Life was such an extravagant affair. One planned and planned and planned for things to happen in a certain way - but what needs to happen would take course. That was just life.

So Valli sat in disbelief at the moment. The wedding date was set. And it was not a date she thought about or even guessed. Both the sides of the family's elders sat in the living room of Atharva's home with only Atharva and Valli from the younger people's clan. There was a Puja in the morning and now the priest was discussing the dates with the family.

The wedding date was discussed already. It was decided as well. And that's why it was slightly overwhelming for Valli who was too shy to meet Atharva's eyes infront of her pedhananas and pedhammas. She was chewing on her lip, her heart was pounding wildly. It was almost the end of December. And the wedding date they chose was not in April, like they had suggested before.

50 days.

That's how many days she had left before the day she would marry Atharva. It felt like there was only a month left.

February 12th.

Wasn't it too soon? Wasn't that just a month away once they enter into January in a few days? How could she change her whole entire life in a month?

"Can we finalise February 12th? Are you okay with that, Atharva?" His father asked him.

"Absolutely." Atharva grinned. Well, he didn't have to pick up his entire world and start fresh in another man's house.

"Kumud?" Her own father asked.

"I... Will I have to give my finals from Atharva mama's house?" Valli frowned.

An uproar of laughter sounded out, as if what Valli expressed wasn't actually a concern. But it was. With or without Atharva around - she was distracted by him. But either him in person or his thoughts. What if they got married and lived together? What if she couldn't focus on studying?

"Valli, are you okay with the date?" This time, it was Atharva who asked. And he seemed genuinely concerned. Everyone around were still laughing at her innocent question, and she looked at him to see if he found her humourous as well. He didn't. There was concern for her comfort before anything else in his face and his eyes.

"Will I be able to study?" She mumbled, her fingers would almost fall off with the way she was twisting them. Atharva sat on the sofa adjacent to the one she was sitting in, both to thr corners. He slid to the edge of his sofa and tugged her left hand away from the right to save her poor fingers from the assault.

"Oho!" Some of his aunts teased them.

"You studying and becoming independent is my priority, Valli ma. I will never come in your way. Trust me. I'll make sure that you're comfortable and have the right space and time to study. I mean, give me some credit, baby. I was your tuition teacher." A small smile played on his face.

"Oh..." Her lips formed an 'o'. It had left her mind that Atharva was her teacher once upon a time because of the way he had assumed his role as her partner. Of course. This man put extreme efforts to teach her, she wasn't very good in school when she wasn't in the mood. He was the reason she made it through.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now