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Atharva sat in the most important meeting of this trip, watching Ishika present their pitch for the deal. He would be doing the negotiation and Ram would give his approval. That's how their roles were divided at the moment. But in that most important meeting of the trip, his phone, which was on silent, lit up next to his laptop screen. He leaned forward just a little bit, and seeing Valli's name was enough for him to grab his phone to have a look.

You might just have the smartst woman as your wife, baby.
I got the highest internal grade in the batch
I need to study like crazy and do all my practicals well
I will be the highest in the batch overall too
Uff! So exciting!
Rock your meeting like I rock my studies
I love you
My buggaboo baby

A soft chuckle left Atharva's mouth, and he looked up instantly, remembering where he was. He apologized quickly and shook his head. But as the meeting went on, his head was held up a little higher. His Valli was acing it. And it excited him.

Valli was sitting with her legs up criss cross comfortably under a tree and sucking on an oreo milkshake. Sahiti laid down next to her with her head in her lap and they stared at the 3rd floor of their college. That was where the staffroom was. And that was where a party was going on inside the room, a loud lunch for one of their professor's 30 year anniversary at the college.

"You think they would dance?" Sahiti asked.

"Hmmm? Maybe yes. And Ganesh sir's belly can do a wiggle wiggle." Valli giggled.

"And Lithika ma'am's long long and beautiful hair will hit him as soon as she starts dancing." Sahiti sighed dreamily.

"Then Ganesh sir will blush and laugh, his glasses will slide off and he will say, 'oho Lithi' to her and blush more." Valli breathed out just as dramatically.

"What nonsense is going on here?" They heard a thunderous roar. They both looked behind, and found their P.E.T teacher, Sounjanya ma'am standing there with her hands on her hips. Her cheeks were red, indicating that she heard what they were saying. Valli's eyes widened and Sahiti gasped.

"Wh... What? Good afternoon ma'am!" Valli grinned dramatically.

"What were you both talking about?" She asked, squinting her eyes.

"You think this is a romance movie? Or a comedy show? Talking about your teachers like that!" She scolded.

"But... We were.... Not." Valli grimaced.

"Just because Ganesh sir and Lithika ma'am are married, you cannot talk about them like that. Get up. You need to be taken to the principal." She said.

"Arey ma'am! No! The principal is also in the party only. How come you weren't invited? Ayyayyo ma'am! They're isolating you or what?" Valli gasped.

"Ma'am you should still show up and be a part of this. Just like this college is incomplete without you, that party is also incomplete without you." Sahiti said.

"You both! You need to go to the principal." She said.

"Sorry ma'am. We were just joking. Won't do it again. You go the the party. Go go." Valli hurried her. She looked at them unsure, but huffed and left.

"You think we both could get out of jail like this if ever a situation like this arises?" Sahiti asked, laying back down.

"Maybe. Yes we can. We're too smart." Valli nodded.

"Do you want to go and eat some momos?" Valli asked.

"But we have a class after lunch break." Sahiti pouted. Momos were Sahiti's weakness. She would do anything for them.

Sahridaya Sankalpam: The Pursuit Of Love (Heartful Resolution)Where stories live. Discover now