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Firstly, thanks for bombarding me with comments. I was busy busy this weekend but I managed to write a hugeeeeeee chapter. With some crying, some dirty, some love, some everything. Enjoy. Thanks to your comments that tells me what you guys like and what you want! Feel free to always tell me that! Love you guys. Happy reading. Gonna go and login and work and be a slave now, bye 🤧🤮😮‍💨😤🙄😭😭😭😭😭😭


Atharva drove to his apartment after she reached college. She got busy with everything she had to finish before holidays began. Sahiti was utterly confused with the silence she received from Valli. She was wearing a saree. That was even more stranger. Her eyes beaded towards her best friend every few minutes, trying to figure out what happened with her. She looked so dull, her eyes were glassy and red, her face was sunken in. But Valli wasn't saying anything, so as the process continued to speak in the front, she moved closer to Valli and wrapped her arms around her arm and held it close.

Valli felt tears prick her eyes at the touch. Often, just a touch and some warmth from someone who cared for you, it was enough to break the floodgates open. She looked down and hot tears fell into her lap, onto Sahiti's arm.

"Valli!" Sahiti gasped, looking at her face. Her head ducked slightly, and Valli's glassy eyes were filled now.

"A... After class." She whimpering. Sahiti nodded, using the sleeve of her sweatshirt to wipe her face clean. Neither of them managed to listen to the class, with  thoughts swirling in the head. Valli fiddled with her engagement ring, tracing the stone with her finger.

Would she have to take it off?

Her throat closed up at the thought. She fought with him when they spoke last. And he had not even tried to contact her or see how she was doing since then. Neither did you, her conscience mocked.

How was she going to live with him? How could she move on in life? She didn't know what the future held for her, she never even wanted to know, but she knew that he was a part of it. That he was the center of it. And now, all of a sudden, it didn't even feel real any more. She fiddled with her ring through out. The bell finally rang and Sahiti turned to her. And her best friend, instead of bombarding her with questions, she wrapped her arms around Valli and hugged her tightly. Valli's face was shoved into Sahiti's shoulder as she cried. She felt like she was crying for the first time since all of this happened. The classroom emptied out by now, and Valli just cried.

"It's okay.. everything will be okay." Sahiti assured her, rubbing her back.

"So... So much happened... And I don't think... Think... Atharva and I will get married." She cried like a baby.

"Oh bullshit! That's nonsense. Have you seen the man? He's obsessed with you like mad." Sahiti snorted, pulling away and flashing her a smile. Valli cried more, wiping her tears.

"You have to meet sir about your project. Wipe your face clean." Sahiti said, pulling her pack of wipes from her bag and opened it up. She wiped Valli's face, Sahiti was being calm, as if just didn't believe any of it.

Ram walked out of the elevator, huffing and puffing. He had his own luggage, and he had some of Atharva's luggage too. He cursed him silently and walked towards his apartment when he noticed the door opposite to his was slightly ajar. There was good burning and a stench of cigarettes coming from inside. What was he doing here? He needed to be in the village.

He pushed the door open and took the luggage into his best friend's apartment. He was standing in his balcony, smoking and looking off into a distance. Ram rushed inside and turned off the stove. The rice he had put on was burning. Something was wrong with him. He made his way slowly towards the balcony where he stood.

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