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Routine was good. It was peaceful. It also left a slight void. But it was bearable.

Valli was back in college. New Year break was just over and she was absolutely in no mood to be in college or fall back into a routine. Mostly because Atharva was gone too. He was working again, and because he had taken a few days off, he was so hard at work that he had not messaged her, nor had he replied to her messages since he went to office. Valli sighed, sliding lower onto her seat and then sighed again. Sahiti looked to the side in question, only to find her best friend almost slid under the desk, only her head was visible above it.

"What's wrong with you?" Sahiti giggled.

"Atharva. I want Atharva." She mumbled. The professor made an annoyed sound and looked towards their area. Valli slid back up quickly and sat properly, folding her arms across her chest.

"Go meet him after college." She muttered.

"I can't. I have to get home as soon as possible." Valli said.

"Why? Something happening today?" Sahiti inquired.

"Hm. They apparently will find an auspicious date to start shopping for the wedding today." Valli nodded.

"Oh wow! There's a muhurtam for that too?" Sahiti seemed amused.

"There's muhurtam to have sex also in some traditions, Sahiti. This is nothing." Valli snorted.

"To have sex? Really? You guys have that too?" She gasped.

"No no. Not us. We don't follow those so strictly. But some people do." She nodded.

"Damn. What part of the process starts at the given time? The foreplay? The beginning? The penetratio..."

"Che! Sahiti!" Valli gasped, closing her ears.

"I'm seriously curious." Sahiti genuinely asked.

"I have no idea. Ask someone else." Valli mumbled, leaning against Sahiti. College was boring now. They had a lab hour next, at least she didn't have to sit in one place and just listen to a professor blabber for hours.

She sucked on the ice lolly that she had made a stop to purchase on the way to the lab. Sahiti was gone to the washroom and Valli walked alone, holding both their bags on each of her shoulders.

"Kumud! Wait up!" She heard a voice, making her halt and look around. Rahul. A groan left her mouth involuntarily when he approached her. They were friends when they joined college, but Rahul had maintained a distance from her ever since he met Atharva that one time he came to college to pick her up.

"Hi Rahul!" She said with a tight lipped smile.

"Hi. How are you?" He asked casually, walking next to her.

"Good. And you?" Valli asked, putting the ice lolly back into her mouth.

"I'm okay... Hm." He nodded.

"O... kay." She said awkwardly and walked faster towards the stairs.

"Kumud listen!" He called again, rushing after her. She was in the stairwell when she felt him grip her arm.

"Eh!" She exclaimed, finding it uncomfortable how he grabbed her arm.

"Listen to me." He said, the usual kindness in his face was gone. Her eyes widened.

"Listen... I liked you since we first met. I liked you first." He mumbled.

"Rahul! Leave my hand!" She said, not even reacting to what she had just heard.

"No. Listen to me. I know you're getting married... You are, right? To that CEO?" He asked.

"Stop it Rahul! Let go!" She growled, slapping her half eaten ice lolly onto his face. She didn't even care. She shoved him back, but his grip only became tighter, making it painful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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